
  • 网络isoline;element;plain wire;tessellation lines
  1. 制陶器最重要的工具是工匠们自己的双手,但有时他们也用些别的工具,如绳圈、木模、素线、海绵等。素线的作用是当一件陶器完成后用它把陶器从转盘上的基座上切下来。

    The most important tools potters use are their own hands ; however , they also use wire loop tools , wooden modeling tools , plain wire , and sponges.Plain wire is used to cut away the finished pot from its base on the potter 's wheel .

  2. 制陶器最重要的工具是工匠们自己的双手,但有时他们也用些别的工具,如绳圈、木模、素线、海绵等。

    The most important tools potters use are their own hands ; however , they also use wire loop tools , wooden modeling tools , plain wire , and sponges .

  3. 滚动体素线形状对圆柱滚子轴承应力的影响

    Affect of Roller Profile on Stress in Cylindrical Roller Bearings

  4. 圆柱形工件素线在线测量新方法

    A New Method of On line Measuring of Generatrix for the Cylindrical Workpiece

  5. 大尺寸外圆锥锥角偏差及素线直线度误差的测量

    Measurement of Taper Angle Deviation and Generatrix Straightness of Machined Parts with Large Sizes

  6. 素线截取法在正圆锥螺旋面展开中的应用

    Application of the Element of Face Intercept means Develop in the Ortho Cone Helicoid

  7. 因而大大提高了素线的在线测量精度。

    Thus , it can greatly enhance accuracy of on line measuring of generatrix straightness .

  8. 在此基础上,提出了一种圆柱形工件素线直线度误差在线测量的新方法。

    A Fast Evaluation Method for Flatness and Straightness Tolerance by Means of Incremental Algorithm ;

  9. 本文利用均方逼近原理分别对圆度、素线直线度、圆柱度误差的评定进行了研究。

    This paper investigates the evaluation of roundness , straightness of elements and cylindricity for cylindrical surfaces respectively according to the principle of mean square approximation .

  10. 本文提出了一种在精密车床上直接测量锥形工件的直径、锥度及素线直线度等参数的实用方法。

    This paper presents a practical method of directly measuring diameter , taper and generatrix straightness of conical workpiece in precision lathe by separating movement errors of mechanical system .

  11. 本文针对冶金企业轧辊加工中轮廓素线直线度误差的在线测量,开展了直线度误差测量的理论研究和实验研究。

    This paper is an attempt to develop linearity-error measuring theory and practice through analyzing the on - line measurement for linearity error of contouring prime line during the roller-processing in metallurgical enterprises .

  12. 基于光电检测技术,利用回转和轴向进给伺服系统,通过激光扫描检测系统测量刀口尺与被测零件素线之间的间隙,实现了对直线度误差的非接触自动测量。

    Based on the optoelectronic inspecting technology , the chinks between knife edge and the generatrices of measured part were measured by the laser scanned inspecting system and using the rotating and axial feed servo systems , and the non contact automatic measurement of straightness error was realized .

  13. 本文还对时域多测头误差分离法应用于回转件素线直线度误差的在线测量引起的测量误差进行了系统的误差分析,为进一步寻求提高测量精度的途径提供了基础;

    The systematical error analysis is given to the measurement error caused by the on-line measurement when Time-Domain-Multipoint error separation technique is applied to contouring prime line linearity error of revolving work pieces , and therefore the basic method is given to a further approach to higher measurement accuracy .

  14. 一株产紫色素放线菌的鉴定及其色素特性研究

    Identification and Characterization of Purple Pigment-producing Actinomycete Strain

  15. 马蔺子甲素对γ线照射的S-180V肿瘤细胞DNA单链断裂重接的抑制作用

    The inhibition of γ - ray induced DNA single strand break rejoining in s-180v tumor cells by radio-sensitizer irisquinone

  16. 论文获得以下主要研究结果:1.采用紫外线诱变处理EM菌和CL菌,用含制霉菌素和放线菌酮的抗性培养基平板筛选获得具有抗生素抗性的突变菌株。

    The major results of the experiment showed as follows : 1 . The strains of EM and CL with antibiotic resistance were obtained by UV-treatment on conidia of EM and CL and screen in Nystatin and Cycloheximide media .

  17. 多粘菌素B,放线菌酮和地塞米松抑制内毒素对前列腺素合成的刺激作用。

    The endotoxin-stimulated prostaglandin production was inhibited by polymyxin B , cycloheximide and the antiinflammatory steroid , dexamethasone .

  18. 基于信息素的半导体生产线动态智能调度方法研究

    The Research on Pheromone Based Dynamic Intelligent Scheduling for Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication

  19. 用正电子素探测叶绿素三线激发态浓度的变化

    Positronium as a probe for concentration changes of photo - excited triplet states of chlorophyll

  20. 对不同品系核桃坚果硬壳结构与硬壳中各成分含量的相关性分析表明:木质素含量与缝合线紧密度、机械强度之间显著正相关,木质素含量与硬壳厚度极显著正相关。

    Relationship between the hard-shell structure and each ingredient in the shell , the results showed that the content of lignin is not only positively correlated with seal grade and mechanical strength , also very significantly correlated with the thickness of shell .