
  1. 217株绿脓杆菌的绿脓菌素分型与药敏

    Pyocine typing of 217 strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and its drug sensitivity

  2. LC-MS分析乙酰吉他霉素组分及水解产物

    Identification of the components and products of hydrolysis in acetylleucomycin by LC-MS

  3. 结果以薄层层析法制备麦白霉素组分,得到的未知组分纯度符合NMR鉴定结构的要求。

    Results The purity of the unknown component prepared by TLC method met the requirements of the structure identification by NMR method .

  4. 指示对髓鞘素组分的B细胞免疫应答主要局限于与中枢神经系统(CNS)近邻的CSF中,可能是鞘内合成IgG抗体的重要来源。

    The results revealed that the B cell response against myelin components is preferentially sequestered to CSF compartment which is close to central nervous system and probably the important source of intrathecal IgG synthesis .

  5. NMMO纤维素的得率随着麻杆粉粒度的减小而提高,富含木质素组分的纯度随麻杆粉粒度的减小而提高。

    Along with the decrease of the particle size of hemp stem powder , the yield of NMMO cellulose increased and the purity of lignin rich fractions increased .

  6. 目的:建立和应用连续酸-尿素-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(CAU-PAGE)纯化人和兔中性粒细胞防御素组分(HNP-1~3和RNP-1~5)。

    Objectives : To develop a preparative method of continuous acid urea polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis ( CAU PAGE ) to purify the defensin components from human and rabbit neutrophils ( HNP 1 ~ 3 and RNP 1 ~ 5 ) .

  7. 微乳毛细管电泳分离吉他霉素组分

    Separation of Active Ingredients in Kitasamycin by Microemulsion Capillary Electrophoresis

  8. 芝麻种子木质素组分、粗脂肪、粗蛋白含量及相关性分析

    Studies on relationship among lignans , oil and protein content in sesame seed

  9. 目的建立制备麦白霉素组分的薄层层析法。

    Objective To establish a TLC method for preparing the components of Meleumycin .

  10. 蛇床子素固体分散体的制备与分析

    Preparation and Analysis of Solid Dispersion of Osthole

  11. 金鱼头瘤常规成分及类胡萝卜素组分分析

    Study on the proximate composition and the carotenoid components in the head sarcoma of goldfish

  12. 柑橘果皮颜色的形成与类胡萝卜素组分变化的关系

    Relationship Between Color Formation and Change in Composition of Carotenoids in Peel of Citrus Fruit

  13. 含水溶剂中泰乐菌素组分A含量与效价的关系

    The relationship between the content of tylosin component A and the biological value in aqueous solution

  14. 根据所得到的有关相对分子质量以及碎片峰的信息,对乙酰吉他霉素各组分及其水解产物的结构进行了鉴别。

    The components were identified according to the molecular weight and its major mass fragment ions .

  15. 食品科学的发展对食品中类胡萝卜素组分的检测提出了改进的要求。

    The development of food science demanded an improved detection technique for carotenoid fractions from foods .

  16. 小牛胸腺素组分5治疗7例获得性免疫功能缺陷患者的疗效观察

    Use of calf thymosin fraction 5 in the treatment of 7 cases with acute acquired immunodeficiency diseases

  17. 研究发酵液中林可霉素的分光光度测定方法。

    A method for the determination of lincomycin concentration in the fermentation broth by spectrophotometry was proposed .

  18. 方法:以微乳毛细管电泳分离模式对吉他霉素各组分的分离进行了研究;

    Methods : A study of the separation of active ingredients in kitasamycin by microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography ( MEEKC ) is presented .

  19. 依据空间结构的不同,防御素可分为3大类:α-防御素、β-防御素和θ-防御素。

    According to the different spatial structure , defensins can be divided into three categories : α - defensins ,β - defensins and θ - defensins .

  20. 黄霉素组分1、组分2、组分3和组分4峰对黄霉素A峰的相对保留时间分别约为0.9、1.1、1.2、1.3。

    The retention times of bambermycin component 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 were 0.9 , 1.1 , 1.2 and 1.3 times relative to that of bambermycin A respectively .

  21. 另外,优化了白桦的再生系统和转基因程序,初步推测转基因白桦植株的木质素组分有所改变。

    In addition , the regeneration system and transgenic program of B. platyphylla were optimized , and we initially inferred that the lignin component of transgenic birch plant made a change .

  22. 建立了连续抗性筛选培养法,并通过高效液相色谱分析法发现其中一株链霉素抗性突变株的发酵产物中存在两个与多杀菌素组分A和D不一样的组分。

    We had established a continuous resistance screening method . And two new components different form Spinosad A and D were detected from a Streptomyces resistence mutant of S. spinosa wtih HPLC . 3 .

  23. 前言:目的:实验降低盐酸林可霉素B组分的含量。

    Objective : To reduce the content of constituents B of Lincomycin Hydrochloride .

  24. 用薄层色谱法检测林可霉素B组分

    Determination of lincomycin B component by thin layer chromatography

  25. 结果:降低盐酸林可霉素B组分1.7%以下。

    Results : reduce constituents B of Lincomycin Hydrochloride to below 1 . 7 % .

  26. HPLC测定胃炎合剂中庆大霉素C组分的含量

    Determination of Gentamicin C in Gastritis Mixture by HPLC

  27. 建立了胃炎合剂中庆大霉素C组分的反相高效液相色谱测定法。

    Objective : The purpose is to improve a RP-HPLC method for the determination of gentamicin C of gastritis mixture .

  28. 全素环与分次π&凝聚环

    Fully Prime Rings and Gr - π - Coherent Rings

  29. 国产制霉菌素主要组分的抗真菌活性

    Antifungal activities of the major compositions of nystatin of China

  30. 用此方法可以稳定地记录触角电位2小时,便于比较性信息素不同组分的活性。

    With this method , the EAG can be recorded stably for 2 hours .