
  • 网络Dynamic investment payback period;dynamic payback period;dynamic investment pay-back period
  1. 以隔热层最小热阻为基准,选择动态投资回收期法,分析围护结构隔热层建设投资费用与运行费用等综合最经济状态下的经济热阻Re。

    By use of dynamic payback period method , analysis economical thermal resistance , R_e , in most economic status for cost of construction and operation of exterior-protected construction 's thermal insulating layer .

  2. 投资余额和投资余额图既可提供项目经济评价中的两个重要指标&净未来值和动态投资回收期,又可反映项目在其寿命期内的任何一个时刻的盈利或损失状况。

    Investment balance and investment balance diagram can provide two important indexes of project economic evaluation & net future value and the dynamic payback period of investment as well as indicate project 's profit or loss at any time spot in its duration .

  3. 在MC法中,本系统编制了净现值模拟、内部收益率模拟、动态投资回收期模拟等,并通过实例证明了本模拟方法的科学性、可靠性和可操作性。

    In MC , net present value ( NPV ) simulation , internal rate of return ( IRR ) simulation , dynamic capital pay-off time simulation etc are worked out which have been proved to be scientific , reliable and operational through the actual example .

  4. 工程动态投资回收期的插值估算

    Interpolating Estimation for the Dynamic Payout Period of Engineering Investment

  5. 然后,利用动态投资回收期法,对三种方案进行技术经济比较。

    Then , the technology and economy of three programs is compared by using the dynamic recovery period of engineering investment .

  6. 将数学解高次方程的插值估算基本原理与工程经济分析的常用复利表相结合,提出了动态投资回收期的两种插值估算法&直接插值估算法与间接插值估算法。

    By combining the fundamental principle of interpolating estimation in solving mathematical higher equations with compounding interest table in the analysis of engineering economy , the author presents two methods of interpolating estimation for the dynamic payout period of investment which are direct interpolating estimation and indirect interpolating estimation .

  7. 通过项目成本费用分析以及收入分析,以净现值、动态投资回收期和内部收益率为指标对项目进行经济效益评价,并通过盈亏平衡分析和敏感性分析对项目进行不确定性分析。

    Through the project cost analysis and income analysis , takes net present value ( NPV ), dynamic investment payoff period and internal rate of return as the index to economic benefit evaluation , and study the uncertain analysis by the balance analysis of profit and loss and sensitivity analysis .

  8. 通过计算费用现值、费用年值以及动态追加投资回收期,分析了优化设计后地源热泵系统的经济性,并与常规供热制冷系统进行比较。

    Its present value , annual value and addition investment are calculated and compared with that of the conventional air-conditioning system .