
  • 网络AAUs;Quantity Unit;Number
  1. 现代汉语量词是用来表示数量单位的一种词类。表皮是由几种不同种类的细胞的单层所组成的。

    The quantifier in Chinese is one part of speech to express the quantity unit . The epidermis consists of a single cells .

  2. 富威廉姆斯,艾弗森的分配数量单位的教练之一,打断了他。

    Boo Williams , one of Iverson 's AAU coaches , interrupted him .

  3. 本文讨论教育服务的定义和服务产出的数量单位。

    This paper begins with the definition of education services and quantitative unit .

  4. 动量词是用来表示动作行为等的数量单位的词。

    The verb-measure words are used to mean the quantity units of the action , behavior etc.

  5. 勒布朗有计划,为全面夏天箍,但被靠边站后,打破了他的左手腕,在分配数量单位的游戏。

    LeBron had plans for a full summer of hoops , but was sidelined after breaking his left wrist in an AAU game .

  6. 组织个体指构成组织人口的单个组织,是构成组织人口统计的基本数量单位。在这个层面上主要研究组织的人口和生命特征。

    Organization individual is a single organization from the demographic meaning , it is the basic numeric unit of organization population , from this aspect we study demographic and life characteristics of organizations .

  7. 一个分区的CPU利用率,以物理处理器的数量为单位

    A partition 's CPU utilization in the units of number of physical processors

  8. 使用中的页面文件范例数量,单位为百分比。

    The amount of the Page File instance in use in percent .

  9. 数量(单位和符号)

    Quantities ( units and symbols )

  10. 选择权合约交易的数量与单位履约价格的乘积;

    The strike price of an option times the number of underlying securities in the contract .

  11. 封闭式基金只投放一定数量基金单位,并在交易所交易的共同基金。

    Fund , closed-end a mutual fund that offers a limited number of shares which are traded on an exchange .

  12. 结果表明,该流域毛沟数量和单位面积毛沟长度从下游到上游呈递增趋势;

    The results showed that the average quantity of rills and the rill length per unit area in this watershed increased from lower reach to upper reach ;

  13. 现在,让我们检查一下合同中的条款,让我们先从品名、规格、数量、单位价格、总额以及货运来看吧。

    Now , let 's check the items in the contract . Let 's start from the names of the commodity , specifications , quantity , unit price , the total payment and shipment .

  14. 每一个句子是由一些数量的语言单位构成,语言单位的意义在某种机制作用下形成句子的整体意义。

    The meanings of language units form the whole meaning of a sentence due to the effect of some mechanism .

  15. 授粉时间则应选择在16:30~18:30,不仅结实的种子较饱满,而且蒴果种子数量多,单位面积种子产量高。

    The pollination time should be chosen at the time of 16:30 ~ 18:30 when not only would the seeds be replete , but the capsule seed quantity be abundant and high seed yield for definite area be prospective .

  16. 照度:落在单位面积上的光能数量。照度的单位是勒克司。

    Illumination : The amount of light energy falling on unit area of a surface . The unit is Lux .

  17. 但是,当信用证上规定的数量是以包装单位或个数计数时,此项增减幅度则不适用。

    This tolerance does not apply when the Credit stipulates the quantity in terms of a stated number of packing units or individual items .

  18. 应课税的工农业产品资源税的应纳税额,按照应税产品的课税数量和规定的单位税额计算。

    The tax payable for Resource Tax shall be computed in accordance with the assessable volume of the taxable products and the prescribed unit tax amount .

  19. 销售记录内容应包括:品名、剂型、批号、规格、数量、收货单位和地址、发货日期。

    The distribution record shall include : drug name ; dosage form , batch number , specifications ; quantity , unit receiving goods and its address and dates of distribution .

  20. 研究结果表明:增加单位体积的晶界数量,即增加单位体积的晶界能,能提高电极合金的塑性变形阻力。

    Study result indicates : adding the crystal boundary amount of unit volume , i.e. adding the crystal boundary energy of unit volume , can increase plastic deformation resistance of electrode alloy .

  21. 通过对1993年我国22种石油科技期刊上发表的1752篇论文的统计分析与引文研究,得出了石油科技领域论文发表数量的作者及其单位排序、著作或论文被引用次数的作者排序等结果。

    Through statistically analysing 1 752 papers and researching quotations published in 22 petroleum science-technology periodicals of China in 1993 , The quantities and orderings of the authors , units and quotations are obtained .

  22. 今年5月,欧盟成交的碳排放数量为5300万单位(一个单位代表排放1吨碳的权利),相比之下,去年同期仅为100万单位。

    The amount of traded EU units - one unit representing the right to emit one tonne of carbon - in May this year was 53m , compared with just 1m the previous year .

  23. 本文第一章研究具有常数数量曲率和平行单位平均曲率向量场的子流形。

    In the first chapter of the paper , we study the case that Mn is a submanifold in a unit sphere Sn + p with constant normalized scalar curvature and parallel normalized mean curvature vector field .

  24. 数量表现是所有语言都具有的一种普遍性的表现形式,汉语中把表示事物或动作数量的单位叫做量词,韩国语中称之为单位名词。

    Those that are used for stating the unit of objects and actions are called " quantifiers " in Chinese and " unit words " in Korean , and that are one common form of expressions in all languages .