
  1. 用KS-1020T型数字式超声波探伤仪检验小径薄壁管焊缝

    Inspection of small Dlameter and thin-wall tube welds with ks-1020t digital ultrasonic detector

  2. 数字式超声波探伤仪在不锈钢小径管中的应用

    Application of Digital Ultrasonic Flaw Detector on the Stainless Steel Tubes with Small Diameter

  3. 数字式超声波探伤仪的现状与展望

    Digital ultrasonic flaw detector : state-of-the-art and Prospects

  4. 采用探头卡片分类法提高数字式超声波探伤仪的使用效率便携式相控阵探伤仪在焊缝超声检测技术中的应用

    Efficiency Improvement Method with Probe Sorting Card During Testing by Digital Ultrasonic Flaw Detector The Application of Portable Phased Array Instrument for Weld Ultrasonic Inspection Technology

  5. 本文对数字式超声波探伤仪回波信号的检测和处理方法进行了研究,设计了前端激励信号的产生电路,参与部分硬件电路的调试。

    This paper studied the signal processing algorithm of digital ultrasonic flaw detector , designed the generating circuit of the front excitation signal , and participated in partial debugging of hardware circuit .