
chá zì diǎn
  • consult a dictionary;look up in a dictionary;refer to a dictionary;search through a dictionary
查字典[chá zì diǎn]
  1. 要是你对这个问题不清楚,请你查字典得了。

    If you have no idea about it , consult a dictionary , please .

  2. 他们则叫孩子去查字典。

    The parent then tells the child to consult a dictionary .

  3. 这个词的意思很多人都要查字典才知道。

    Many people have to look up the meaning of this word in the dictionary .

  4. 如果我们拼错了一个字,就会被要求去查字典。

    If we got a spelling wrong we were forced to get a dictionary out .

  5. 如果不确定哪个词适合某个句子,我们就查字典。

    When we 're not sure which word is the right one for a sentence , look it up in a dictionary .

  6. 自己去查字典吧!

    Check the dictionary by yourself !

  7. 学生们学会查字典。(lookup是短语动词。)

    Students should learn to look up new words in dictionaries .

  8. 在此句中,如果我们不知道“poker”的词义,不需要查字典,可通过定义线索获得“pokeriskingofcardgame”。

    Decision-thinking is not unlike poker * This card game has often been of considerable interest to people .

  9. 不要每次遇到生词就查字典。

    Don 't look up every new word in the dictionary .

  10. 他和他的朋友经常查字典。

    He and his friend always look up in the dictionary .

  11. 如果你有不认识的词,请查字典。

    Look up the dictionary if you meet some new words .

  12. 孩子们并不是靠查字典学习单词。

    Children do not learn new words by looking them up .

  13. 查字典了解以下单词的含义,并大声朗读三次。

    Understand below words and read them loudly for3 times .

  14. 查字典是个好习惯,但依赖字典翻不好译。

    Dictionary is a good habit , but not over-dependent translation dictionary .

  15. 通过勤查字典,他掌握了这些单词。

    He mastered these words through the arduous consultation of the dictionary .

  16. 你能不查字典把它找出来吗?

    Can you find it out it in the dictionary ?

  17. 遍查字典找寻合适的词。

    Ransack a dictionary to find just the right word .

  18. 读英文时不会每逢生字便查字典。

    I read English without looking up every new word .

  19. 当你怀疑时,去查字典。

    When in doubt , look up ill your dictionary .

  20. 如果这个词不会拼,可以查字典。

    Turn up the dictionary if you can 't spell the word .

  21. 投考者必须不查字典便给出答案。

    Candidates must answer without referring to a dictionary .

  22. 我遇到生词她就让我查字典。

    He refers me to the dictionary when I meet with new words .

  23. 如果遇到生词,请查字典。

    Please check dictionary if you meet new words .

  24. 学生们对于词汇记忆的策略主要是查字典和单词表策略。

    Students memorize the vocabulary mainly by strategies of dictionary and word list .

  25. 有疑问的时候,就请查字典。

    When ( you are ) in doubt , please consult a dictionary .

  26. 每当我遇到一个新词时,我就查字典。

    When I come across a new word I consult the English dictionary .

  27. 无聊的时候在家里走来走去,用英语说出每个东西的名称。不会的去查字典!

    Walk around your house , and try to say everything in English .

  28. 你应该查字典找出这个单词的正确读音。

    You should look up the right pronunciation of this word in the dictionary .

  29. 查字典是一个好习惯。

    Looking up the dictionary is good habit .

  30. 如果我查字典,我可以描绘他的名字。

    If I go thought the alphabet , I can usually picture their name .