
  • 网络charlie;charly;Charley
  1. 查利费力地将背包背到楼上自己的公寓里。

    Charlie humped his rucksack up the stairs to his flat .

  2. 查利赚了8英镑,我赚了5英镑。

    Charlie was earning eight pounds , I was earning five

  3. 他最终在一个很受欢迎的拉丁乐队中取代了查利的位置。

    He eventually took Charlie 's place in a popular Latin band .

  4. 他已承认向查利提供了致幻药。

    He had confessed to supplying Charley with hallucinatory drugs .

  5. 他醒了过来,发现查利正站在床边。

    He awoke to find Charlie standing near the bed .

  6. 查利从车流中间穿过,到了街对面。

    Charlie crossed between the traffic to the far side of the street .

  7. 哈里在办公室开派对时总不忘叫上查利。

    Harry always invited Charlie when he threw a thrash in his office .

  8. 我收拾好东西告别了查利。

    I packed and said goodbye to Charlie .

  9. “当然我已经在报纸上看过一些关于你的报道了,”查利说道。

    ' I have read about you in the newspapers of course , ' Charlie said

  10. 查利大声地打嗝。

    Charlie burped loudly .

  11. 她奇怪为什么查利对于曼彻斯特的煤灰那么忍受不住。

    She wondered at charley 's intolerance of the smoke of manchester .

  12. 除了冒牌孙女查利/艾薇,莉莉的妈妈CeCe向整个家庭隐瞒了自己的癌症,她的去世也让《绯闻女孩》星期一又送走了一个角色。

    Gossip Girl said goodbye to one of its own on Monday as Lilys mom CeCe passed away after keeping her cancer hidden from the entire family , save for fake granddaughter Charlie / Ivy .

  13. 你真的认为查利会让你做这个吗?

    Do you really think Charlie will let you do this ?

  14. 查利最后一次认真干活儿是在什么时候?

    When is the last time Charlie did any honest work ?

  15. 一股深深的狂喜流过查利的血液。

    A deep wave of exultation rolled through Charley 's blood .

  16. 查利今天早上要稍微晚些到。

    Charles is going to be a little late this morning .

  17. 查利·张上周刚刚获得澳大利亚勋章。

    Dr Teo was awarded the Order of Australia last week .

  18. 查利参宫后不久就离开了。

    Charlie left shortly after he was enlisted in the army .

  19. 查利来自南部,是个热情能干的人。

    Charlie was a Southerner , a warm and brilliant man .

  20. 查利在这儿办公室里是老前辈之一。

    Charles is one of the old timers here at the office .

  21. 查利为约翰的薪金问题和经理谈过。

    Charley spoke to the manager about john 's salary .

  22. 查利和梅突然来访。

    Charlie and may just blew in for a visit .

  23. 查利趁着在门厅内的暗处,移到她的旁边。

    Charley moved close to her in the vestibule gloom .

  24. 查利默默地走过在决斗、摔交、打着枪战的孩子们。

    Charley walked silently among the dueling , wrestling , gun-fighting children .

  25. 最后一丝做作的笑意从查利脸上消失。

    The last trace of the manufactured smile left Charley 's face .

  26. 我无法使你理解我的感受,查利。

    I couldn 't make you see how I felt , charlie .

  27. 也许我们看电影前可以在查利家赶紧吃点东西。

    Maybe we could grab a bite at charlie 's before the film .

  28. 查利正在农筹他父亲。

    Charlie is helping his father on the farm .

  29. 查利出差时,我常常跟着。

    When Charlie goes on a business trip , I often tag along .

  30. 、小麦从未让查利戈德萨克兴奋过。

    Wheat never used to get Charlie Goldsack excited .