
  • 网络Leak filling;release early and iterate
  1. 在高科技领域,这叫做“尽早推出,查漏补缺(releaseearlyanditerate)”,这种方式可以让创业者一边开发产品,一边根据市场变化对其进行修正,这样做还可以让早期的支持者看到企业的进步。

    In high technology , this is called " release early and iterate , " which allows you to make corrections as you go , as well as adjust for the market changes . It also shows progress to early backers .

  2. 原始负荷数据的处理目的在于对历史数据进行查漏补缺、去伪存真。

    The purpose of data processing is to check leaks , fill the vacancy , discard the false and retain the true .

  3. 过去新生的信息由人工填写、整理、统计,花费了大量人力,影响报到的进度,时有疏漏,还很难查漏补缺。

    New information from the past 、 sorting 、 statistics , spent a great deal of human influence , the progress of the report .

  4. 我知道你们会同时应付几个案子,而我的工作就是帮助你们查漏补缺。

    I know you 're juggling three or four cases at once . And it 's my job to help catch any balls that get dropped .

  5. 政府可以通过查漏补缺减少避税行为,漏洞越少,课税基础也会随之扩大,税收收益也会因会税率固定而上升。

    By closing loopholes governments can reduce avoidance , and fewer loopholes also mean a broader tax base and more revenue for a given rate of tax .

  6. 笔者力图从法理论、实务两方面紧密结合的基础上,尽量对合同诈骗罪查漏补缺,使其能够无懈可击地发挥功效。

    I sought from the legal theory and practical aspects on the basis of closely as possible leak of contract fraud to fill a vacancy , it can be perfect to be effective .

  7. 评价工具所列的测量指标和维度具有一定的指向性,使师范生在技能学习中查漏补缺,不断提高自身的技能水平。

    Evaluation tools included in the measurement indicators and dimensions possess certain guiding effects . Therefore the normal students in learning skills may find their weaknesses , and constantly improve their level of skills .

  8. 事实上,很少有人像迈克尔•戴尔和维珍集团创始人理查德•布兰森那样全能,很多时候,领袖都需要依靠其它高管来查漏补缺,他们自己则专注于展望未来,开拓愿景。

    Truth is , there are very few Michael Dells and Richard bransons out there , and in many cases , these leaders relied on other executives to fill gaps while they carried the broader vision forward .

  9. 其中日常模拟测试部分,一则可以帮助学生对知识点查漏补缺,二则可以让教师了解学生的知识掌握情况。

    And the daily analog test part , can help the student fill a vacancy to the knowledge node leak finding , two can allow the teacher to understand that the knowledge of student keeps abreast of the situation .

  10. 字种确定后,应将教材汉字与《汉字频率表》、《汉字等级大纲》等研究成果相对照,查漏补缺,从而保证教材对常用汉字的高覆盖率。

    And then the characters decided should be compared with the results such as the Frequency of Characters and the General Outline of Chinese Level Vocabulary and Chinese Word 's Rank , so as to ensure the high coverage of characters .

  11. 根据有关的现代教育理论、学生学习知识的规律以及高中数学教材的编排特点,设计出出新授课六环节教学模式:(1)查漏补缺,完善结构;

    According to the modern education theory , students ' learning principles and the arrangement characters of the text book , I designed a six-link new lesson teaching mode : ( 1 ) Check that leaks and fill a vacancy to perfect the structure ;