
  • 网络Bonnie and Clyde;Bonnie & Clyde;Burglar X;Larceny Of Love
  1. 在21世纪版本的《雌雄大盗》(BonnieandClyde)里,这时候应该会有阴森可怖的音乐响起,银行家担心盗贼们用一把神奇钥匙打开门进入金库。

    In a 21st-century version of Bonnie and Clyde , this would be the moment when spooky music starts to play and bankers fear that robbers are in the vaults with a magic key capable of unpicking their locks .

  2. 你以前喜欢玩雌雄大盗的游戏。

    You used to love playing Bonnie and clyde .

  3. 天啊,我们好像雌雄大盗。

    My god , we iook Iike Bonnie and ciyde .

  4. 没错,雌雄大盗憨妮和克莱德。

    That 's right , Han-nie and Clyde .

  5. 她笑了起来,回答说她听说曾经有一对情侣住在那里,他们喜欢把自己打扮得像雌雄大盗邦妮和克莱德一样,开着敞篷跑车沿着加州海岸来回兜风。

    She laughed and said that she had heard that a couple that stayed there once liked to dress up like Bonnie and Clyde and drive a Roadster up and down the California Coast .