
  • 网络unisexual;diclinism;Diloecious;dicling
  1. 慈菇一种慈菇属水生或沼泽地生长的多年生植物,有箭头状叶子和白色的雌雄异花的圆锥花序。

    Any of various aquatic or wetland perennial plants of the genus sagittaria , having arrowhead-shaped leaves and panicles of white , unisexual flowers .

  2. 甜瓜雌雄异花同株性状的遗传特征及SSR分子标记的研究

    Genetic characteristic of monoecious and simple sequence repeat markers on melon

  3. 因此,培育雌雄异花同株材料,成为重要的育种目标之一。

    So , the monoecious become to an important goal for melon breeding .

  4. 不同生态类型厚皮甜瓜雌雄异花同株系的转育

    Transferring Monoecious Lines of Different Ecotypes in Muskmelon

  5. 在这些植物中,60.6%的种类是两性花植物,14.3%的种类为雌雄同株异花植物,另有25.1%的种类为雌雄异株植物。

    Among these species , 60.6 percent were hermaphroditic , 14.3 percent were monoecious , and 25.1 percent were dioecious .

  6. 华北驼绒藜属于藜科驼绒藜属旱生雌雄同株异花半灌木,为中国特有植物种,主要分布在内蒙古中东部和华北地区,其营养丰富,抗逆性强,是生态建设和改良草地的优良植物。

    Ceratoides arborescens belongs to Chenopodiaceae , Ceratoides genera , monoecism subshrub . It is endemic to China and mainly distributed in Mid-Eastern Inner Mongolia and North China . It has rich nutrition and strong resistance and is an important plant that is used for constructing ecology and improving grassland .

  7. 茶树是雌雄同株,异花授粉植物。茶树无性繁殖系品种多数是花而不实。

    Camellia sinensis is a monoecious and allogamous plant , and its clone varieties are mostly flowering rather than fruiting .