
  1. 此次调查由北京大学社会调查研究中心与某商业婚恋网站联合开展,调查对象共计约8万人,覆盖全国34个地区。

    It was conducted by Peking University 's social survey studies center and a commercial dating website and polled about 80000 people in 34 locations across China .

  2. 国内招聘网站智联招聘与北京大学社会调查研究中心共同发布的《2018中国最佳雇主百强评选报告》称,越来越多的95后开始进入职场,这代人的价值观更加多元化,且非常注重自我体验。

    Increasing numbers of those born after 1995 are starting to enter the workplace , a generation that has more diversified values and thinks highly of their personal experiences , according to the 2018 China 's Top 100 Employers report by Chinese job website Zhaopin.com and Institute of Social Science Survey of Peking University .