
píng jiào píng xué
  • evaluate teaching and learning
评教评学[píng jiào píng xué]
  1. 护理人员在对北京市ICU专科护士培训中存在问题与改进措施的评分中,有关ICU专科护士培训基地的发展、评教评学以及师资力量的问题,排在评分前3位;

    The development of ICU specialist nurse training bases , the assessment of teaching and learning , and the problems of teaching , placing in the first three scores in the The problems and improvement measures in Beijing ICU specialist nurse training .

  2. 方法对临床护理实习带教老师的带教情况及护生学习情况,采用自制评教评学问卷调查法对63名护生进行调查。

    Methods Sixty-three nurse students were investigated with questionnaire .

  3. 护理专业实习生评教评学调查问卷分析与对策

    Analysis and countermeasures of nursing interns ' comment on questionnaire about teaching and learning

  4. 目的对护理专业实习生进行评教评学调查,评估护生实习带教质量,为改进及提高实习质量提供依据。

    Objective To investigate nursing interns ' teaching and learning evaluation , evaluate the quality of interns ' teacher and supply a base for improving practice quality .