
pínɡ wěi
  • Judges;member on a review committee
评委 [píng wěi]
  • [commission that choose through public appraisal] 评选委员会委员的简称

  1. 评委们说明了参赛作品的高水准。

    The judges remarked on the high standard of entries for the competition .

  2. 他的设计受到了评委的高度赞扬。

    His designs were highly commended by the judges .

  3. 经过激烈争论,评委终于同意那个18岁的钢琴手获奖。

    After much argument , the judges finally compromised on the 18-year old pianist .

  4. 我不认为应该依赖评委的决定。

    I don 't like relying on the judges ' decisions .

  5. 评委们无法判定它属于哪一类。

    The judges could not decide which category it belonged in

  6. 我毫不惊讶布克奖评委会将其列在入选名单中。

    I am not surprised that the Booker Prize jury included it on their shortlist .

  7. 他是朗诵比赛的评委之一。

    He is one of the judges at the recitation contest .

  8. 评委会授予他一等奖。

    The panel of judges awarded him first prize .

  9. 请评委亮分儿。

    Will the judges please display the marks ?

  10. 当竞赛评委们难以达成一致的意见时,所有参赛者都在礼堂等着。

    While the contest judges were having a hard time reaching an agreement , all the contestants were waiting about in the hall .

  11. "评委们都认为卡西的豆子是赢家。"

    " The judges all agree that Cassie 's beans are the winner . "

  12. 威廉姆斯先生煮了每个参赛者的豆子,并挑选了五位经验丰富的村民担任评委。

    Mr.Williams cooked the beans from each competitor and chose five experienced villagers as judges .

  13. 评委们称它是结合了艺术与历史的建筑创新。

    Combining art and history , in what the judges say is an innovation in architecture .

  14. 换句话说,只是比小甜甜布兰妮•斯皮尔斯担任两年《英国偶像》(TheXFactor)评委的收入高一点。

    Or , in other words , just more than Britney Spears will make for two years of judging the X factor .

  15. 还有几名评委倾向于“green(绿色)”一词,但这个代表人们对环境关切的词语已流行多年。

    Several people lobbied for " green ," which " designates environmental concern ," but the term has been around for years , he said .

  16. Tom(也就是这一轮的评委)从盒子里拿出一张卡牌,并读出卡牌上的说明:一个极其灵巧的胖人。

    Tom pulls a card out of the box and reads the definition : An extremely Agile Fat person .

  17. 西蒙是一个口没遮拦的评委,他还说,他将加入他制作的节目《X因素》。

    The often outspoken judge says he will be joining a show he created , called " The X Factor " .

  18. 梅西还说如果阿根廷能够在世界杯夺冠的话,他希望这位昨天刚刚回到西斯罗机场的26岁的XFactor评委能够和他们一起狂欢。

    Messi also said he would want X Factor judge Cheryl , 26-who jetted into Heathrow yesterday-to join the party if the Argies win in South Africa .

  19. 他有几部作品均在戛纳电影节进行首映,2005年他凭借《青红》(ShanghaiDreams)获得评委会大奖(JuryPrize)。

    Several of his films had their premieres at Cannes , and in2005 he won the Jury Prize there for'Shanghai Dreams . '

  20. 因为我们请来了SimonCowellPaulaAbudull和其他《X因素》的评委

    Because we have Simon Cowell , Paula Abudull and the rest of judges of X factor

  21. 在上周二播放的《美国达人秀》上,一名9岁的小女孩以迈克尔波顿的《HowAmISupposedToLiveWithoutYou》震惊所有评委。

    A nine-year-old girl left America 's Got Talent 's judges stunned with her amazing rendition of Michael Bolton 's ' How Am I Supposed To Live Without You ' Tuesday night .

  22. 国家公务员结构化面试中评委偏差的IRT分析

    An IRT Analysis of Rater Bias in Structured Interview of National Civilian Candidates

  23. JublieeCeeLoGreen今年获得四项提名请问CeeLo担任哪个节目的评委

    Jubliee , Cee Lo Green has four nominations this year , what show is Cee Lo a judge on ?

  24. 当一名华裔歌手在荷兰电视节目《荷兰达人秀》(Holland'sGotTalent)中登场时,一位名叫戈登(Gordon)的评委大声说道:你准备唱哪一个号码?

    When a Chinese singer appeared onstage on the Dutch TV show Holland 's Got Talent , a judge named Gordon shouted out : Which number are you going to sing ?

  25. 同时使用评委会主动学习的方法,在分类过程中,选择争议最大的bug请求其类别,进行自主学习,然后再对bug进行分配。

    Meanwhile , the method of query by committee is used , which selects the most controversial bugs to ask for their category labels for active learning .

  26. 周日,这个秀的的评委和观众起立鼓掌,但是Twitter的网站上的评论出现分歧。

    On Sunday , the show 's judges and audience rose to their feet to applaud , but those posting comments to the Twitter Web site appeared divided .

  27. 在上周举行的2012年赛扶世界杯中国站创新公益大赛全国赛中,来自强生(中国)有限公司的评委AmyWang对这个想法赞扬有加。

    Their idea was praised by Amy Wang , one of the judges from Johnson Johnson China Ltd in the 2012 SIFE China National Competition held in Beijing last week .

  28. 评委点评:阿特拉斯风险投资公司(AtlasVenture)合伙人杰夫o法干问道:“你们打算直接通过电子商务和零售商卖出多少张桌子?”

    Judge 's critique : " How many desks do you plan to sell directly via e-commerce and via retailers ? " asked Jeff Fagnan , an Atlas Venture partner .

  29. 目前由洛佩兹、小哈里·康尼克(HarryConnickJr.)和基思·厄本(KeithUrban)组成的评委小组更注重技艺,提供从音乐角度讲详细而具体的批评意见。

    The current panel of Ms. Lopez , Harry Connick Jr. and Keith Urban is more craft-focused , offering musically detailed and specific critiques .

  30. Fox电视台周三宣布詹妮弗洛佩兹已经签约成为《美国偶像》又一季评委,验证了几个月来人们对她回归的猜想。

    Jennifer Lopez has signed up for a second season as a judge on American Idol , Fox television officials said on Wednesday , ending months of speculation about her return .