
  1. 你看,碧水之上青峰耸立。

    Look up at the green peaks above the clear water .

  2. 湖南青峰煤矸石的资源特性及开发利用评价

    Resource characters of Qingfeng coal gangue and its exploitative utilization

  3. 青峰煤矸石矿物学特征及分子筛制备研究

    Preparation Study of Molecular Sieve from Coal Gangue in Qingfeng

  4. 湖北青峰断裂为一韧性剪切带。

    The Qingfeng fault is a ductile shear zone .

  5. 将青峰镇的5个村划分为集约程度不同的4个等级。

    Five villages in Qingfeng town are divided into four levels of intensive level .

  6. 青秀山,原名青山,又称泰青峰,位于南宁市东南面约五公里。

    Qingxiu hill , formerly known as Qing hill , in the south-east of Nanning city about five kilometers .

  7. 不同程度短截和摘心对青峰冬桃幼树成枝的影响

    Effect of Different Degree Heading-back And Cutting off Growing-tip on Formatting Branches of " Qingfeng " Winter Peach Young Trees

  8. 青峰岭水库主坝为宽心墙砂壳坝,存在着由于筑坝材料引起的坝体质量问题。

    The main dam of Qingfengling reservoir is designed as core shell sand dam , and some problems caused by construction material exist here .

  9. 通过青峰岭土石实际加固工程中有关问题的论证研究,总结出病险水库大坝的除险加固方法、论证模式;

    Through the Shandong earth-rock dams actual reinforcement project correlation question proof research , summarizes the sickness danger reservoir big dam research technique , the proof pattern .

  10. 阐述青峰断裂带构造特征及变形机制,分析与断裂带有关的铅锌矿床地质特征,对其控矿因素、成矿模式作了初步探讨,并首次阐明该区铅锌矿床为沉积喷流~改造型矿床。

    This paper deals with the structural characteristics and deformation of the Qingfeng fault and its related lead-zinc deposits . The ore-controlling factors and metallurgical model have been discussed .