
  • 网络Logistics Consulting Services
  1. 如何提高物流咨询的服务质量

    How to Improve the Service Quality of Logistics Consultation

  2. 我国加入世贸组织后,天津开发区将加强金融、保险、物流、咨询等现代服务业的招商引资。

    After China 's entry into the WTO , TEDA will strengthen the investment promotion on modern industries such as finance , insurance , logistics and consulting .

  3. 将其市场定位为:提供BTOB的高品质一体化物流服务,以及专业的物流管理咨询服务,最大限度为顾客降低成本,保证企业享受到及时、安全、快捷的物流服务;

    The market position is to offer high-quality integrative B to B logistics service , minimize the cost of the customers , assure in-time , safe and fast service .

  4. 大多数物流企业只能提供单项或分段的物流服务,物流功能主要停留在储存、运输和城市配送上,相关的包装、加工、配货、物流咨询等增值服务项目不多。

    The majority of the logistics enterprises can only provide single item or dividing segment service .