
  1. 作为专业化物流,农产品第三方物流可以大大降低农产品流通成本,提高流通效率。

    As professional logistics , 3PL could reduce circulation cost and improve the efficiency of logistics .

  2. 产业集群现已经成为我国经济增长的主要动力,但是专业化物流服务体系的滞后严重影响了产业集群优势的发挥。

    Now industry cluster has a strong vitality and development potential , but the lag of specialized logistics service system has seriously affected the industry cluster advantages .

  3. 提高物流效率、寻求专业化物流管理和服务就成为企业适应全球化和市场竞争的必然需求。

    In order to adapt to the globalization and competition , it is necessary for the enterprises to improve the efficiency of logistic performance and explore the method of professional logistic management and service .

  4. 本研究认为大部分中小型企业可以选择将需要专业化物流服务的项目外包并采取和自身联系密切的物流业务自营的混合模式,以做到总成本最低并确保最大的灵活性。

    The research suggests most Small-Medium Enterprises can choose the mixed mode : outsourcing of professional service of logistics and self logistics for self-close logistics business , so that they can make the lowest cost and make sure the maximum flexibility .

  5. 近几年,我国物流业发展成为社会热点,专业化物流企业开始涌现,多样化物流服务有一定程度的发展,第三方物流企业开始起步,现代物流技术的应用开始加强。

    In recent years , more and more people have focused on logistics industry in our country , specialized logistics companies emerge , diversified logistics services develop forwards , Third Party Logistics ( 3PL ) start with the use of modern logistics technologies .

  6. 第三方物流是指通过与第一方或者第二方的合作来提供专业化的物流服务。

    The third party logistics is which through the first or the second party ' scooperation to provide professional logistics service .

  7. 通过建立专业化的物流体系结构,以专业化的管理方式和技巧来实现物流行业的标准化、国际化。

    Building professional logistics architecture will provide professional management methods and techniques to achieve the standardization and international of the logistics industry .

  8. 第三方物流是一种专业化的物流组织,具有很强的经济性。随着第三方物流的发展,它的经济性会发挥的更加充分。

    The third party logistics is the organization with economic feature , which will fully function as the development of the third party logistics .

  9. 物流系统的体系结构是物流企业的内部运作环境和操作平台,是建设专业化的物流系统的指导依据,是实现组织目标的战略组织框架。

    Architecture of Logistics system is the interior operation environment and business platform for Logistics companies , which is to steer to build special logistics system and tactics frame-saw to realize the company 's objectives .

  10. 这些问题主要包括生产物流缺乏专业化的物流管理组织、生产物流布局规划不合理、生产物料仓储不规范、生产物料搬运效率低下、生产物流管理信息化落后等。

    On the whole , the problems were listed as follows : lack of professionalized production logistic management organization , irrational production logistic planning layout , unreasonable production material storage , inefficiency production material carry and less developed production logistic management informationization .

  11. 基于物流中心发展专业化农产品物流体系

    Develop the Specialized Agriculture Product Logistic System Based on the Logistic Centers

  12. 摘要随着新时期军事斗争任务的进一步加剧,培养一支高素质、专业化的军事物流人才队伍已成为当前军事物流发展和建设中的重要任务。

    As the further developing of military mission in new period , it is an essential task to cultivate a force of military logistic talent with high-quality and professional when constructing and developing the military logistics .

  13. 由于社会化、专业化的商贸物流服务的出现和不断发展,促进了各类大型专业商贸交易市场在地域空间上的聚集,形成专业市场集群,以进一步实现商贸的规模化、集约化经营。

    With the appearance and development of social and specialized Commerce Trade logistics , aggregate of all kinds of large specialized commercial and trade market in spatial region is promoted and special market cluster is formed , which further realize intensive management of Commerce Trade .

  14. 随着分工与专业化的发展,物流业在理论和实际经济生活中有了很大的发展。

    With the development of division of labor and specialization , there are big development in theories and actually economy of logistics industry .

  15. 第三方物流作为供应链的组织者,应承担综合物流管理的职责,向客户提供全方位、专业化、一体化的物流服务。

    As the supply-chain organizer , the Third-Party Logistics should take on the responsibility of synthesize logistics management and provide the wholly , specialization , integrative services .

  16. 逆向物流运作的复杂性和不确定性,以及生产企业经营逆向物流的非专业化,使得逆向物流外包成为趋势。

    The complexity and uncertainty of reverse logistics operation as well as non-professional in managing reverse logistics by the manufacturing enterprise makes the reverse logistics outsourcing be the tendency .

  17. 管道建设物流企业肩负着管道事业发展的重要使命,可以通过与上下游企业进行协同及专业化合作,创新物流服务内容和运输方式,形成高效的供应链,加强自身竞争力。

    Pipeline construction of the logistics business development pipeline shoulder the important mission , through upstream and downstream enterprises ' co-specialization or cooperation , innovation and logistics services and modes of transport to form a highly efficient supply-chain to strengthen their competitiveness .