
zhuān kān
  • special issue;monograph;special issue or column
专刊 [zhuān kān]
  • (1) [special issue]∶围绕某一特定主题所设的栏目或编辑的特刊

  • 亚运会专刊

  • (2) [monograph]∶学术性专题研究论文汇编刊物

  • 肝癌早期诊断治疗专刊

  • 学会专刊

专刊[zhuān kān]
  1. 最近ChemicalSocietyReviews在2006年第6期刊登了镧系元素药用研究专刊,专门介绍稀土药用研究的现状。

    The recent issue of Chemical Society Reviews is a special issue devoting to the current studies in this aspect .

  2. 在为《财富》杂志2009年最具影响力商界女性专刊撰写的一篇文章中,Facebook公司首席运营官谢丽尔•桑德伯格提出了这条建议。

    Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg introduced this advice in an essay that she wrote in Fortune 's 2009 Most Powerful Women issue .

  3. 泰珀很少在公开场合聊市场,他最近被《机构投资者》(InstitutionalInvestor)杂志的《阿尔法》(Alpha)专刊评选为薪资最高的对冲基金经理。

    Tepper , who rarely talks about the market publicly , was recently named the highest paid hedge fund manager by Institutional Investor 's Alpha magazine .

  4. 因为许多不同原因的耽搁,影响了大型强子对撞机(LHC)的启动,而我们的许多竞争对手早在数月,甚至数年前就启动了专刊。

    Various delays affected the start-up of the Large Hadron Collider and many of our competitors ran special issues months , even years , too early .

  5. 编辑组认为,最值得纪念的报刊是他们的和平(damai)专刊。

    The team agrees the most memorable issue they had was the special edition devoted to the peace , damai .

  6. 笔者认为,办好报纸专刊,关键在于策划。

    I think making a good newspaper monograph lies in planning .

  7. 意大利机床机器人自动化专刊

    Newsletter on Italian machine tool , robots and automation industry

  8. 报纸媒体读书类专刊的价值取向

    The Value Direction of Reading Special Issues in Newspaper Medium

  9. 你会在日志专刊上记述它。

    You 'll write about it in the journals .

  10. 发行物的范围包括具体行业领域的专刊和主要报纸刊物。

    Publications could range from journals specific to the field to major newspapers .

  11. 面向市场贴近读者&近年来我国报纸专刊的几次发展

    The Development of the Special Edition of the Chinese Newspapers in Recent Years

  12. 沈绮颖的专刊将于9月5日发行。

    Ms. Sim 's zine launched on September 5th .

  13. 社论和专刊作者撰写文章、栏和其他特写材料。

    Editorial and special writers compose articles , special columns and other feature matter .

  14. 在现实研究中,专刊的研究却远远落后于专刊的实践。

    However , the research on the special issue lags far behind in practice .

  15. 祖克曼先生出席过数部电视专刊和全国性的现场访谈性节目(脱口秀)。

    Pinchas Zukerman has been featured in numerous television specials and national talk shows .

  16. 中国新时期以来的俄苏文学译介专刊研究

    Research on China 's Translation Periodicals of Russian and Soviet Literature in the New Era

  17. 高校社科版学报应抓住目前高校合并、调整的发展契机,根据实际情况,创办专刊专题;

    Journals of social science of universities should seize the development opportunity of universities mergence .

  18. 本文包括六个部分,第一部分介绍当前专刊的特点和存在的问题;

    Chapter one introduces the features and existing problems in current special issue of newspaper .

  19. 论报纸专刊及其策划运作

    Newspaper Monograph and the Operation of Planning

  20. 用建构主义理论指导报刊选读课教学报纸媒体读书类专刊的价值取向

    Teaching English Newspaper Reading with Constructivism The Value Direction of Reading Special Issues in Newspaper Medium

  21. 同时,作为专刊的编辑也要不断提高自身的素质,提高策划水平。

    Meanwhile , the editors of the monograph should improve their own quality and planning level constantly .

  22. 珍妮现担任麻省理工《莱奥纳德》杂志专刊的特邀编辑。

    Currently she is on the'Lovely Weather'guest editorial panel of a special issue of MIT 's Leonardo Journal .

  23. 第一部分诠释节庆专刊的概念。

    The first part is the definition and come into being of the special issue of Festival & Special Event .

  24. 这其中主要原因在于缺乏对专刊发展的历史考察,尤其是缺乏对个体报纸专刊的关照。

    The reason that lead to such diverges is mainly the lacking of the review of the section 's history .

  25. 目前,报纸进入厚报时代,报纸之间的竞争已经延续到报纸专刊的竞争,专刊是否有影响力已经关系到报纸的生存发展以及报纸的广告额收入,专刊越发显示出其在报纸中的重要地位。

    At present , the influence of special issue of newspaper is vital to the survival and development of newspaper .

  26. 论文分五章展开论述:第一章都市报兴起后的报纸专刊。

    There are five chapters in the paper . Chapter One discusses the special issues after the flourish of city newspapers .

  27. 而报纸发展所带来的巨大变化之一,就是节庆专刊的地位变得越来越重要。

    The special issue also changed greatly . The special issue of Festival & Special Event becomes more and more important .

  28. 这篇文章的电子版星期二发表在《美国医学杂志专刊》上,提前于周三的印刷版。

    The paper was released online Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Assn. , ahead of print publication Wednesday .

  29. 1999年,第一个出版覆盖全国5个大区的《地方专刊》。

    In 1999 , CIW became the first to publish regional special editions , which covered five big regions in China .

  30. 《体育画报》泳装专刊模特凯特·阿普顿位于2015全球美女榜第八。

    The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue model Kate Upton stands 8th on the world 's most beautiful women of 2015 list .