
  1. 差动变压器零残电压产生的原因及其补偿方法

    Producing Reason and Compensation Method of the Differential Transformer Residual Voltage at Zero Point

  2. 因此,该杂交方法对于零残量问题是二阶收敛的,而对于非零残量问题是超线性收敛的。

    We show that the hybrid method is globally and superlinearly convergent for nonzero residual problems and globally and quadratically for zero residual problems .

  3. 另外零残流消弧线圈的被补偿电流是不可测的,因此不能完全套用有源电力滤波器的方案来实现“零残流”。

    As the compensation current of arc suppression coil can not be directly measured , the scheme of APF can not be simply applied to realize zero residual current .

  4. 目前基于高斯牛顿法及其衍生算法的前馈神经网络虽然可以达到局部二阶收敛速度,但只对小残量或零残量问题有效,对大残量问题则收敛很慢甚至不收敛。

    Though the feed-forward neural network based on Gauss-Newton algorithm and its derivation will converge at a speed of order 2 , it is only effective for little residual problems .

  5. 介绍了差动变压器式传感器的结构和输出特性,详细分析了其零残电压产生的原因,以及对测量系统非线性和灵敏度的影响。

    The structure and output quality of differential transformer sensor were introduced simply . The producing reason of residual voltage at zero point and its affection to the nonlinear quality and sensitivity of measurement system were analyzed extensively .

  6. 从力学概念出发,建立了零位移增量范数、零残余力范数和零增量功等三种新的迭代控制约束方程。

    Based on the mechanical concept , three new constraint . equations ( i. e. zero incremental displacement norm , zero residual force norm and zero incremental work ) are established for controlling iteration path .