
  1. 这些此阿里奥具有高线性和非线性折射率,对带隙光具有感光性。

    These materials have high linear and nonlinear refractive indices and present interesting photosensitive behavior toward bandgap light .

  2. 聚2,7-咔唑材料的衍生物通过与吸电子基团共轭链接能够形成一类新型窄带隙光活性给体材料。

    Poly ( 2,7-carbazole ) derivatives , incorporated by electron-withdrawing group in the main chain , form a new low band gap photoactive donor materials .

  3. 红松阔叶混交林林隙光量子通量密度、气温和空气相对湿度的时空分布格局

    Spatiotemporal distribution patterns of photosynthetic photon flux density , air temperature , and relative air humidity in forest gap of Pinus koraiensis-dominated broadleaved mixed forest in Xiao Xing'an Mountains

  4. 气候变暖对典型草原区降水时空分布格局的影响红松阔叶混交林林隙光量子通量密度、气温和空气相对湿度的时空分布格局

    Effect of Climate Warming on Spatial Pattern and Temporal Change of Precipitation in Typical Steppe Spatiotemporal distribution patterns of photosynthetic photon flux density , air temperature , and relative air humidity in forest gap of Pinus koraiensis-dominated broadleaved mixed forest in Xiao Xing'an Mountains

  5. 证实了在手性PCF中也可以实现带隙导光的机制。

    A mechanism of bandgap guidance in chiral PCF is validated .

  6. 利用理论分析和数值模拟的方法,计算了光纤光栅中反射带隙附近光场满足的色散关系,分析了传输脉冲的相速度、群速度与群速度色散(GVD)。

    The dispersion relation of the optical field close to the photonic band gap in fiber gratings is obtained through theoretical analysis and numerical simulation . The phase velocity , group velocity and group velocity dispersion ( GVD ) of the transmission pulse are analyzed .

  7. 可见光响应型窄带隙半导体光催化材料的研究及应用进展

    Research and Applications of Visible Light Responsive Narrow Band Gap Semiconductor Photocatalytic Materials

  8. 本文讨论了空气隙型光固定衰减器的回波损耗。

    This paper discusses the return loss in air-space type fixed optical attenuator .

  9. 空气隙型光固定衰减器的回波损耗

    Return Loss in Air-space Type Fixed Optical Attenuator

  10. 本论文对空气桥结构光子晶体带隙限制光波导及其接续光波导的制作工艺进行了研究。

    This thesis work has researched the fabrication technics of photonic crystal defect waveguide with air-bridge structure and collecting waveguide ;

  11. 具有可见光响应的窄带隙半导体光催化材料是近数十年以来多相半导体光催化技术的研究重点。

    Visible light responsive semiconducting photocatalytic materials with narrow band gap have been the research focus of heterogeneous semiconductor photocatalysis in recent decades .

  12. 进而,为了说明部分带隙对光的控制能力,这种光子晶体随后被用作过渡波导的包覆层,证明其能有效的抑制辐射模。

    The photonic crystals with partial bandgap are then used as the cladding of a waveguide taper to reduce the radiation loss efficiently .

  13. 平板光子晶体波导具有带隙限光和异常色散的特性,为光子集成的实现提供了新的途径。

    Photonic crystal ( PC ) slab waveguides exhibit novel characteristics of confining light by band gap and abnormal dispersion , which provides a new way to realize ultrasmall optical integrated circuits .

  14. Si/SiGe量子级联激光器是一种新型的带内跃迁的红外光源,突破了Si基材料间接带隙特性对光跃迁的限制。

    The Si / SiGe quantum cascade laser is a new coherent IR source based on intersubband transitions , which overcomes the limitations imposed by the indirect gap .

  15. 然而由于TiO2是宽带隙半导体,光利用效率和光量子产率较低,使其应用受到了限制。

    However , the highly efficient use of TiO2 is sometimes prevented by its wide band gap that caused the utilization ratio of the sunlight and the quantum yield is low .

  16. 反射光谱还表明,所制备的胶体晶体的光子带隙位于可见光波段.同时,AE空间分布表明:于样品破坏前在崩裂型破裂区周围形成明显空区;

    The reflect spectra in the visible regions show distinct peaks due to the existence of photonic band gap . The results show : ( 1 ) A distinct gap of AE location is observed before failure of the sample ;

  17. 氢化非晶硅带隙态密度光诱导变化的研究

    A Study of Photoinduced Changes in Density of Gap States in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon

  18. 并且分类介绍了折射率导光和带隙型导光的光子晶体光纤。

    The photonic crystal fiber of optical refractive index type and optical band-gap type are described respectively .

  19. 由于其本身具有许多奇异的性质,带隙孤子在光通信,光控制以及光存储中具有许多潜在的应用。

    Due to its special transmission properties , gap soliton can be used for a wide range of applications in optical communications and optical storage .

  20. 但由于单一元素掺杂往往在能带中引入隙态成为光生电子空穴对的复合中心,使得光催化效率降低。

    However , the gap states introduced by single element doping always act as combination centers of photogenerated carrier which would reduce the catalytic rate .

  21. 林隙阶段内光照的强度及其变动幅度都远大于其它3个阶段,而且林隙内不同部位光照的日变化规律也存在着明显的差异。

    The light intensity and its amplitude of changes in gap phase were much more greater than the other three phases in the forest cycle , and there were significant differences in variable parts of a gap .

  22. 把振弦置于槽隙的通光截面中,若合理选择振弦与通光截面的相对位置,光敏三极管的光电流中就会含有振弦的振动信息。

    The vibration wire is placed in the clear section of the slot , if the relative position between the vibration wire and the clear section is reasonably selected , then the light current of the light sensitive transistors will include the vibration information of the vibration wire .

  23. 当多模导光区的有效折射率大于环境折射率时,即使没有光子带隙,输入光场能依据全内反射和布拉格反射的联合效应而沿着多模导光区高效地传输。

    The input field can also be guided along the multimode region with high efficiency due to the combination of TIR effect and distributed Bragg reflection even if there has no photonic band gaps ( PBGs ) when the effective index of the guided region is larger than ambient ones .

  24. 但是,TiO2由于能带隙较宽,光生空穴和电子复合速度快的缺点降低了光催化性能,因此需要进行改性。

    But the wide energy gap and the recombination of e - / h + pairs greatly decrease the photocatalysis efficiency of TiO 2 . So TiO 2 must be modified to improve its photocatalytic performance .

  25. 系统地研究了受抑全内反射(FTIR)的透过率(或反射率)与气隙厚度、入射光偏振特性、波长和入射角的关系;

    The relations between the transmittance in Frustrated Total Internal Reflection ( FTIR ) and the thickness of air crack , the polarization direction , the wavelength of incidence light and the incidence angle are systematically investigated in the paper .

  26. 聚合物半导体光催化材料的瓶颈问题是宽带隙造成对可见光吸收性能不佳,光生载流子迁移率低导致光催化活性不高,以及HOMO能级较高引起材料易被氧化,稳定性较差。

    The existing bottlenecks of polymer semiconductor photocatalysts are small visible-light absorption due to wide bandgap , limited photocatalytic activity due to low mobility of photogenerated charge carriers , poor oxidative stability due to high HOMO energy level .

  27. 我们的研究表明,Mg元素掺杂CdSe可以调节系统的光学带隙,使其光响应范围基本覆盖整个可见光区;Ag和In掺杂CdSe可以改变其导电类型,提高载流子浓度。

    It is shown that the band gap of Mg doped CdSe can be modulated to cover almost the whole visible light region . For the Ag and In doped CdSe systems , the type of conduction can be changed , and the concentration of charge carrier can be raised .

  28. 因为硅是间接带隙材料,其光致发光和电致发光的效率很低,这限制了它在光电器件方面的应用。

    Due to indirect band gap of silicon , the photoluminescence ( PL ) intensity and the luminescent efficiency of silicon-based devices are very low , which hinders its application in opto-electronic technology .

  29. 光子晶体最主要的特性是具有光子带隙,频率处于带隙内的光或电磁波的传输被严格禁止。

    Photonic crystal ( PC ) is characterized by its photonic bandgap ( PBG ), where the transport of light or electromagnetic with the frequency falling in the gap is strictly forbidden .

  30. 光子晶体的基本特征是具有光子带隙,频率落在带隙中的光将不能传播,这使其比普通光学材料具有更广泛的应用。

    The transmittance of light is forbidden in a wavelength range called photonic band gap . Photonic crystals have broader application prospect than common optical materials .