
  1. 品种或播种期对米质的影响同时表现在米质性状的各个方面,综合米质好的稻米往往整精米率高、垩白少、蒸煮品质良好、蛋白质含量适中。

    The fallout of different varieties and different seasons for quality of rice are variable . The better rice usually has high head rice rate , little chalkiness , good cooking quality and suitable protein content .

  2. 美国东部的一种高大的,具片状树皮的落叶栎树,叶裂片比其他白栎少;木材坚硬,用于建筑;易于在湿地生长。

    Large flaky-barked deciduous oak of the eastern United States with leaves having fewer lobes than other white oaks ; yields heavy strong wood used in construction ; thrives in wet soil .

  3. 症见便血血色淡,量较多,肛门坠胀或脱出,面色萎黄,头晕心悸,手足发麻,舌质淡白,少苔,脉细软而数。

    Zheng Jian blood in the stool color light , the amount of more or anal prolapse , pale complexion , dizziness , palpitations , numbness in limbs , pale tongue , little coating , pulse and several valuables .

  4. [5]这是一个高大身材,长头发,眼球白多黑少的人。

    The man was a tall , hurly fellow with long hair and more white than black to his eyes .

  5. 母猴见白多黑少,如拔白须,一时难以拔尽,于是就把黑的拔掉。

    See less white and more black females , such as pulling white to find it difficult to pull to make , so he took the black disconnect .

  6. 两年数据显示,整精米率与垩白粒率有一定相关性,垩白粒率少,整精米率高。

    Two years data showed that there was some correlation between polished rate and chalkiness rate , polished rate was high , it means that the chalkiness rate would be relatively less .

  7. 太湖“三白”:银鱼、白虾、白缌鱼为水中上品,白缌鱼骨少、无泥土味、入口细腻滑爽;

    Taihu Lake " three white ": Protosalanx , white shrimp , white fish in the water top grade fine linen , white fine linen few fish bones , mud-free flavor , delicate smooth entrance ;