
  • 网络Birch;birch forest;Betula platyphylla forest
  1. 白桦林下红松人工更新技术的研究

    Artificial regeneration techniques for Korean Pine under white birch forest

  2. 红松中幼混交林的动态预测(Ⅱ)&天然次生白桦林的动态模拟

    Dynamical Simulation on Young and Middle-aged Forest of Korean Pine (ⅱ): Natural Secondary Birch Forest

  3. 采用SPACE模型对20世纪50年代的皆伐地,现已形成次生白桦林进行动态模拟。

    Modified SPACE Model was used to simulate the birch secondary forest from the clear cut in 1950s .

  4. 用各样地的主要立地因子为基础材料,通过PCA亦对白桦林进行了排序分析;

    The main site factors of sample plots were also used to ordinate and analyses .

  5. 天然白桦林经营调控技术及目标管理

    Management Techniques of Natural Birch Forests and Its Objective management

  6. 他一定会来来这片白桦林。

    Surely he would come to the birch wood someday .

  7. 她默默来到那片白桦林

    Quietly she came to the birch wood ,

  8. 再往高处去就是白桦林。

    Higher up were forests of white birches .

  9. 不同林龄白桦林水源涵养及水化学特征研究

    Study on Water Conservation and Hydrochemical Characteristic of Different Stages of Betula Platyphylla Forest

  10. 川西亚高山白桦林穿透雨和茎流特征观测研究

    Throughfall and stemflow in a Betula platyphylla forest at the subalpine of Western Sichuan

  11. 森林&草原交错带白桦林和山杨林植物多样性研究

    Study on plant diversity of Betula platyphylla and Populus davidiana forests in forest steppe ecotone

  12. 中等密度的白桦林有着最高的年蓄积生长量。

    The highest annual volume growth is found in stands of middle density of stocking .

  13. 面积的三分之二由广阔的松林、云杉林和白桦林所覆盖。

    Two-thirds of the area are covered with immense forests of pine , spruce and birch .

  14. 看到这片白桦林,咱们就离卧龙湾不远了。

    At the sight of this white birch grove , I know we are nearing Wolong Lake .

  15. 川西亚高山冷杉林和白桦林土壤酶活性季节动态

    Seasonal variations of soil enzyme activities in fir and birch forests in subalpine area of Western Sichuan

  16. 韩佳,这么茂密的白桦林我还真是头一次看到。

    Han Jia , This is the first time I have ever seen such a dense white birch forest .

  17. 日本落叶松人工林密度调控技术研究天然白桦林经营调控技术及目标管理

    Study of Density Control Techniques of Larix kaempferi Plantation Management Techniques of Natural Birch Forests and Its Objective management

  18. 不同群落的结构多样性计算结果表明,处于演替后期的辽东栎天然林比演替初期的白桦林有较高的结构多样性;

    The results show that , in natural forests , structural diversity of pioneer community is much lower than that of late successive community ;

  19. 走进乌兰坝森林公园,最抢眼的是茫茫的原始白桦林,粗壮的白色树干,从万绿丛中挺然而出。

    Ulaan dam into the Forest Park , the most eye-catching is the original platyphylla vast , thick white trunks , green leaves from a quite , however .

  20. 在与俄罗斯的交界处,松树林和白桦林越来越浓密,浓郁的俄罗斯风格的文化和艺术也随之而来。

    As you get closer to the Russian border , the forests of pines and birches get thicker and you come across frequent examples of Russian culture and art .

  21. 白桦林、樟子松、云杉、山杨等以较分散的小斑块分布于森林景观斑块中形成异质森林景观格局。

    The Birch , pine , spruce , aspen and so on . in a more scattered distribution of small patches of forest landscape form heterogeneous patches of forest landscape pattern .

  22. 河北北部坝上与坝下白桦林比较,无论是林分的树高、胸径、蓄积量,还是白桦的高生长、直径生长、材积生长,都是坝上小于坝下。

    The tree height , diameter at breast height and growing stock of Betula platyphylla forest stand are lower in the Bashang Plateau than those in the Baxia Mountain in northern Hebei Province and eastern Inner Mongolia .

  23. 凋落物持水率动态变化幅度为311.49%~682.60%,排列顺序为:水曲柳林>蒙古栎林>白桦林>落叶松林>樟子松林;

    The dynamics of water content ratio of litters in different forests range from 311.49 % to 682.60 % which is in the order of Manchurian ash , Mongolian oak , birch , Dahurian larch and Scots pine .

  24. 兴安落叶松&白桦林中,兴安落叶松处于劣势伴生地位,种群格局的计盒维数较低(1.371,远离2),空间占据程度低。

    The Box-counting dimension of Larix gmelini population was lower ( 1.371 , far from 2 ) in Larix-Betula mixed forest , which showed the low spatial occupation degree of the populations in accompaniment position in the forest .

  25. 对以上几类森林类型的比较分析显示,格局强度尺度变化程度由高至低的次序为兴安落叶松天然林(1.317)>兴安落叶松-白桦林(1.065)>兴安落叶松人工林(0.745)。

    Comparisons among the above forest types showed that , the order of the scale variation degree of pattern intensities was natural Larix forest ( 1.371 ) > Larix Betula forest ( 1.065 ) > Larix plantation ( 0.745 ) .

  26. 结果表明,人工林与天然演替森林山杨林与白桦林均具有较丰富的物种组成,为62种左右,而天然顶极森林辽东栎林的物种数量则相对较少,为48种。

    The results indicated that both the plantations and the forests of natural succession ( the P.davidiana and B.platyphylla forests ) were diverse in species consisting of about 62 species and the natural climax forest ( Q.liaotungensis ) was less diverse in species consisting of 48 species .

  27. 不同群落细根现存量月动态变化也有较大差异,月均最高最低相差阔叶红松林约为72%、白桦林近73%、山杨林26%、云冷杉林56%、岳桦林144%。

    The difference between highest and lowest monthly mean values is about 72 % in Broad-leaved Korean Pine forest , 73 % in Asian white birch forest , 26 % in David poplar forest , 56 % in Spruce-fir forest , and 144 % in Ermans Birch forest .

  28. 结果表明:该流域水源涵养林最优植被类型结构为天然白桦林24.86%、天然黑桦林16.30%、天然阔叶混交林44.49%、落叶松人工林10.88%、草地3.47%;

    The results showed that in this watershed , the optimal vegetation structure should be 24.86 % of natural birch forest , 16.30 % of natural Dahurian birch forest , 44.49 % of natural broadleaved mixed forest , 10.88 % of larch plantation , and 3.47 % of grassland .

  29. 土壤呼吸季节变化与地表湿度极显著相关(P0.01),地表湿度可解释落叶松人工林土壤呼吸速率季节变化的85.6%,白桦人工林土壤呼吸速率季节变化的83.1%。

    The seasonal soil respiration rates had significant correlation ( P0.01 ) with the surface moisture . It could explain 85.6 % of larch seasonal variation of soil respiration , and 83.1 % of birch soil respiration .

  30. 5a的研究结果表明,林龄20~30a的白桦天然林最适林分密度为1100株·hm-2,修枝强度不应超过1/2树高。

    The 5-year study indicates that the optimal thinning treatment for 20 ~ 30-year-old natural birch stands is to maintain a stand density of 1 100 stems · hm - 2 and the pruning intensity should not exceed 1 / 2 tree height .