
  1. 计及风险的配电公司最优分时零售电价模型

    Optimal TOU Retail Pricing Models for Distribution Utility with Risk Management

  2. 规制政策对配电公司零售电价的影响

    Impacts of Different Regulation Policies on Retail Price of Distribution Company

  3. 市场条件下零售电价相对固定而批发市场电价和负荷需求经常波动,使配电公司面临较大的风险。

    In competitive market , retail prices are comparatively fixed , while wholesale prices and load demand are variable , which lead distribution utilities facing huge risks .

  4. 在分析的基础上,引入了电价的弹性和自弹性,根据放射型配电网的特点建立了计及配电网物理约束的最优零售电价模型;

    Based on the analysis , elasticity and cross-elasticity of price are introduced , mathematical models of optimal retail pricing are set up with considering physical constriction of radial distribution networks .

  5. 解除管制的电力零售市场实时电价研究

    Study of spot pricing for deregulated retail electricity markets

  6. 在电力零售市场引入实时电价(RTP)制度后,当零售市场还处于配电公司垄断经营的阶段,仍需要对配电公司的零售电价进行规制。

    The retail electricity of a monopolizing distribution company still have to be regulated after the real-time price ( RTP ) is utilized in the retail electricity market since the market is monopolized .

  7. 零售市场中电量电价弹性系数分析

    Analysis of Electricity Price Elasticity Coefficients in Retail Power Market

  8. 通过分析电力零售转运的过程及零售电价的构成,研究了电力零售合同中的可谈判内容。

    The negotiation contents in the retail contract are summarized through analyzing the process of electricity retail wheeling and the sale power price composing .

  9. 针对我国特点提出电力批发市场和零售市场的一些模式及其定价方法,提出在3种交易方式下批发市场交易电价的计算方法,并给出相应的计算式,也给出零售市场交易电价的计算式。

    Some models and pricing for wholesale and retail markets are presented . The calculation methods for transaction price of three transaction modes in wholesale and retail markets are also discussed .