
  1. 并且,它是一种细致的折磨方式日复一日,将你拖到饥饿的零界点,使你精疲力竭。而且你是拉着一雪橇满满的食物。

    And it is an exquisite form of torture to exhaust yourself to the point of starvation day after day while dragging a sledge full of food .

  2. 论文认为每个项目的建设能力有个零界点,偏离该零界点的优化行为将造成项目效益产生负面影响。

    The paper believes that every project technical support a zero point from the point of zero , the optimization of the benefit of the project will cause negative effects .

  3. 因此设计变更发生时应尽量控制变更不超过该零界点,此模型在实际此类水利工程的开发、建设、管理中具有实际的操作意义。

    Therefore design change happens to change does not exceed this zero point , the model of water conservancy project in actual such development , construction and management in the practical operation .