
  1. “零帕族(zero-Pascalclan)”一词来源于网络,是指面对来自生活及工作中的各种压力、仍能保持积极乐观心态的人群。

    The term , zero-Pascal clan , was coined by Internet users referring to those people who are always optimistic and enjoy themselves in spite of work and life pressure .

  2. 我的朋友,你是快乐的零帕族吗?

    My friends , are you a happy pressure-free clan ?

  3. 零帕族的年龄集中在20-35岁之间,多由年轻白领和大学生组成。

    Most people in this clan are 20 to 35-year old white-collar workers and college students .

  4. “零帕族”会努力工作,但不急功近利;

    People in the zero-Pascal clan work hard , but not eager for a quick success ;