
  • 网络Zhongyi;Chinese Arts & Crafts
  1. 玲玲马戏团中艺高人胆大的明星小丑贝洛。

    Bello Nock , the star daredevil clown of the Ringling Bros.

  2. 美术创作中,艺和术具有不同的内涵。

    Art and skill have different of connotation in the creation of fine art .

  3. 琴中之艺&从古琴文化看音乐与各艺术学科间的联系

    " Art " in the Guqin & Relationship between Music and Art Disciplines from Guqin Culture

  4. 在其最近发布财报的那个季度中,艺电在数字化销售的带动下,实现了2.01亿美元的利润。

    During its last-reported quarter , EA , led by digital sales , posted a $ 201 million profit .

  5. 在第二个部分的计划中,简艺将改变角色。

    In the second part of the program , Jian Yi changes the perspective .

  6. 现代家居环境中的民艺文化

    The Folk-Art Culture in Modern Resident Environment

  7. 不久前,在一个电台节目中,先艺向自己的祖母表达了歉意。

    Not long ago , Sun Ye apologized to her grandma at a radio show .

  8. 浅析现代设计中的民艺观

    National Arts-based Attitude in Modern Design

  9. 在2007年的好运北京艺术体操国际邀请比赛中,中国艺体操集体项目取得了第三名的好成绩。

    China has won the 3rd place in the International Rhythmic Athletics Gymnastics Invitational Tournament & Good Luck Beijing , 2007 .

  10. 她是家庭成员中最多才多艺的。

    She is the most talented member of the family .

  11. 由于历史原因,高师声乐教学长期以来一直受表演专业的影响,在教学中重技轻艺,文化意识淡薄。

    Owing to historical reasons , vocal music teaching in normal universities has long been influenced by the specialty of acting .

  12. 傅雷的美育目的观集中体现在《傅雷家书》这部教育著作中,即德艺俱备、人格卓越。

    Fu Lei 's concepts of the objective of art education are embodied in The Correspondence between Fu Lei and his Son & be a person with virtue and art , and with noble characters as well .