
líng suì
  • piecemeal;fragmentary;odds and ends;bits and pieces;scrappy;oddments
零碎 [líng suì]
  • (1) [scrappy;fragmetary;piecemeal]∶细碎

  • 零碎东西

  • 零碎活儿

  • (2) [odds and ends;oddments; bits and pieces]∶细碎的事物

零碎[líng suì]
  1. 文章有些零碎。

    The article is somewhat scrappy .

  2. 虽然零碎,不成系统,却初步形成、发展到了理论的高度。

    Though scrappy , not systematic , it had developed into the height of the theory .

  3. 海滩宽阔,到处是有趣的被冲上岸的零碎杂物。

    The beaches are wide and filled with interesting flotsam and jetsam .

  4. 他吸收利用互不相关的零碎信息的能耐惊人。

    His ability to absorb bits of disconnected information was astonishing .

  5. 她将一些衣服、化妆品和零碎物品放了进去。

    She put in some clothes , odds and ends , and make-up

  6. 他在这附近干过各种零碎的保洁工作。

    He had various odd cleaning jobs around the place

  7. 达维娜正在整理零碎的材料。

    Davina was sorting out scraps of material

  8. 考前复习让你有机会把一门课程所有零碎的知识都融会贯通。

    Reviewing for exams gives you a chance to bring together all the individual parts of the course

  9. 他只能说出那事情的零碎片断。

    He could tell only a fragmented account of the story .

  10. 她用旧的零碎材料做了一顶帽子。

    She made a hat out of bits of old material .

  11. 让我来把我的零碎东西归并一下。

    Let me get my bits and pieces together .

  12. 她正在拾掇零碎儿。

    She is tidying up the odds and ends .

  13. 我们买了一些零碎的东西。

    We bought a few odds and ends .

  14. 她把零碎花布拼拼凑凑,给小闺女做了一件褂子。

    She pieced together odds and ends of coloured cloth and made a jacket for her little girl .

  15. 这些零碎的思想,是树叶的簌簌之声呀;

    There little thoughts are the rustle of leaves ;

  16. “时间碎片”指的是一个人一天中零碎的休闲时间。

    Time confetti refers to brief scraps throughout a person ’ s day . Example :

  17. 通过在集中的位置收集概要信息,可减少ibm.com的零碎视图,从而使得将来的Web个性化成为可能。

    Collecting profile information in a centralized place reduces the fragmented view of ibm . com , and it makes future Web personalization possible .

  18. 作为WTO的成员国,透明度原则将对我国行政公开制度产生深刻的影响,我国现有的关于行政公开的零碎规定已不能适应WTO透明度原则的需要。

    As a member country of the WTO , the principle of transparency will take profound effect on the administrative openness system of China .

  19. 在1970年代末期,情报官员告知(其实是误报)一名自尊心极强而且有神经质的特工他的零碎情报已经报告给了白宫(whitehouse),受到高度评价。

    In the late 70s , one agent with abysmal self-esteem and a nervous disposition was told ( falsely ) by his case officer that his intel tidbits had been reported to the White House to rave reviews .

  20. 它使用了合并〔merge〕的机理以判断哪些修改应该被呈现,然后再将它们零碎地移植过来,而不创建一个新的合并节点。

    It uses the merge logic to determine what changes should be present , and then applies them on a piecemeal basis but without creating a merge node .

  21. 在存在非SCA绑定时,您可能会发现拓扑视图中的关系会被打破,这样拓扑看起来十分零碎,因此难以理解。

    In the topology view , you may find that the relationship are broken in case of the none-SCA bindings , thus the topology looks fragmentally and hard to understand .

  22. MDL格式的模型能够保证该模型不会过于臃肿或者随分类逐渐删除而变得零碎。

    An MDL version of the model ensures the model does not bloat or fragment over time when categories are deleted .

  23. 该零碎由洛杉矶电脑公司OblongIndustries开发。目前,该零碎要占领零个房间的空间,但设念者期望能开发出更大一点的版本。

    The system , developed by Oblong Industries , a Los Angeles-based computer company , can currently take up whole rooms but the designers hope to be able to develop much smaller versions .

  24. Wikibooks托管教科书并且还支持协作式社区开发,Wiki页面将扩充后的零碎内容并入到完整的书籍中。

    Wikibooks hosts the textbooks and also supports collaborative community development , with outlines of Wiki pages getting expanded piecemeal into full books .

  25. 船载LiDAR数据相对于机载LiDAR数据具有独特的扫描角度,是船载LiDAR数据应用在湖岸带植被参数估测的一个优势,但同时这个优势也造成了其获取的植被数据存在不完整的零碎现象。

    Compared to air-borne LiDAR data , boat-borne LiDAR data has unique scanning angle , which is an advantage of vegetation estimation along lake shore on one side and a disadvantage with fragmentary data of vegetation .

  26. 当需要在某个地方粘贴很快要引用到的零碎信息时,SideNote是理想的工具。

    SideNote is ideal for those times when you need to paste several pieces of information someplace for quick reference soon .

  27. 当你注释401K这一惨淡的现实时,你可能会发现自己计算浪费在零碎开支上的每一分钱。

    As you stare at the bleak reality of your 401K , you might find yourself counting every nickel and dime you wasted on frivolous expenses .

  28. 但优步和Upwork等平台代表了一种新方式,它们将工作拆分成零碎的任务,能够联系到更多劳动者,这一方式很可能会影响广泛得多的工作类型。Upwork是一家美国公司,由Elance和Odesk合并而成。

    But platforms like Uber and Upwork - a US-based company formed from the merger of Elance and Odesk - represent a new way to break jobs into piecemeal tasks and reach many more workers , potentially affecting a far wider range of work .

  29. ☆善用零碎时,分秒不浪费

    Make use of bits and pieces , do not waste time

  30. 干零碎杂活的人,杂务工。

    A man who does odd jobs or various small tasks .