
  • 网络zero defects;zero defect management
  1. 实施零缺陷管理,振兴航空制造业

    Implementing Zero Defect Management , Rejuvenating the Aeronautical Manufacturing Industry

  2. 本文主要探讨医疗质量零缺陷管理模式下病历质量管理。

    The article mainly discusses case history quality management under the Zero Defect management model of medical quality .

  3. 医疗质量零缺陷管理与病历质量管理

    Management on the Zero Defect of Medical Quality and Case History Quality

  4. 探讨建立零缺陷管理模式

    Building Enterprise Management System of " Zero Defect "

  5. 房地产业实施“零缺陷管理”的探讨

    Discussion of the real estate industry puts into practice " zero deficiency management "

  6. 在企业进行零缺陷管理的思考公司设立瑕疵刍议

    Conducting the zero defects management in the corporations

  7. 科主任在医疗质量零缺陷管理中的作用

    Contribution of department Director in Medical Defect Management

  8. 运用零缺陷管理模式提高科研项目质量

    Improving the Quality of Research Project by Applying the " Zero Defect " Management Mode

  9. 介绍了零缺陷管理创建品质文化的主要内容及其表现。

    An introduction is made of the main contents and forms of building quality culture by means of zero-defect management .

  10. 介绍了辽河石油勘探局对推广零缺陷管理所进行的实践和探索。

    Finally , an introduction is made of the practice and exploration of " zero defect " management carried out in Liaohe Oil Exploration Bureau .

  11. 零缺陷管理模式就是在这个时代中应用最广泛的质量管理模式之一,帮助企业提升或塑造了组织的核心竞争力。

    Zero-defect management mode is one of the most widely used quality management model at the time , assist enterprises in upgrading or formed its own core competitiveness .

  12. 结合零缺陷管理思想和理论,利用现有的防错装置为技术支撑,研究以信息化的手段实现对混合流水线防错。

    Combine with zero defect theory , use the mistake-proofing devices in existence , take use of network tools to guard against mistakes occurring to mixed assembly line . 2 .

  13. 零缺陷管理则认为预防产生质量,坚持诚信的原则,体现人性化管理,工作标准是零缺陷。

    Zero deficiency management thinks that prevention creates quality , adhering to principle of honesty and trust , embodying the management of humane . The criterion of word is zero deficiency .

  14. 根据振兴航空工业的需要,提出了用零缺陷管理振兴航空制造业的思路和方法。

    According to the need of rejuvenating the aviation industry , the train of thought and the method to rejuvenating the aeronautical manufacturing industry with zero defect management are put forward .

  15. 本文从理论、实践等方面论证:零缺陷管理与企业管理各过程紧密关联,具有促进全面质量管理的先进作用。

    This paper has demonstrated from the theory and practice that the zero-defect management is closely associated to each process of the enterprise management and that it plays advanced roles to boost the total quality management .

  16. 实行医疗质量零缺陷管理模式,转变传统的病历质量管理,使每一个影响病历质量环节中的主体以最大的诚信来预防缺陷,不断提高病历质量且追求病历管理的终极目标零缺陷。

    Under this model and by changing traditional case history quality management , we can prevent defect by trust treatment , improve case quality and seek the ultimate aim of zero defect & case history management quality in hospital .

  17. 零缺陷质量管理在桥梁施工中的应用控制

    The application control of zero defects quality management in the construction of bridge

  18. 零缺陷质量管理思想的应用与实践

    The Application and Practice of Zero Defect Quality Management

  19. 零缺陷质量管理,用户满意的突破性变革

    Breakthrough for Zero Defect Quality Management and Customer Satisfactory

  20. 石油企业零缺陷质量管理初探

    " Zero Defect " Quality Management in China 's Oil Enterprises : A Preliminary Exploration

  21. 介绍了零缺陷生产管理的概念,给出了一个成功的实例。

    The concept of Zero Defects production management is introduced and a successful example Is given .

  22. 目的探讨零缺陷服务管理理念在小儿手术质量管理中的应用效果。

    Objective To investigate the effect of zero defect theory on nursing management in pediatric operation .

  23. 分析当前的防错技术研究及应用概况,预测其发展趋势,在国内首先研究以防错系统实现零缺陷质量管理。

    Analyze general condition of the research on mistake-proofing devices and its application , forecast its development direction , and bring forward that utilize mistake-proofing system to realize zero defect theory .

  24. 零缺陷质量管理的实施,是用户满意的一项突破性变革,将使企业在设计、制造、服务等环节逐步实现世界一流的零缺陷质量。

    The implementation is not only a breakthrough in Customer Satisfactory , but also an incentive to help the company to achieve world class zero defect quality in design , manufacturing and service .

  25. “零缺陷”质量管理是现代企业的新型管理理念。

    The analysis of medical quality zero deficiency management and cost of quality ;

  26. 质量管理早已经由统计质量控制阶段进入全面质量管理阶段,全面质量管理、六西格玛、零缺陷等质量管理方法对从业人员素质和能力的要求越来越高。

    Quality Management has phase to the stage of total quality management through statistical quality control , quality management methods such as total quality management , six sigma , and zero-defect quality and so on make the quality and capacity of the practitioners become increasingly demanding .

  27. 零缺陷理论在病区管理中的应用

    The application of zero defects theory in ward management

  28. 方法将零缺陷理论引入病区管理,推行零缺陷管理体系。

    Methods Zero defects theory was applied in the ward management and carried out zero defects control system .

  29. 结论将零缺陷理论引入病区管理是一种较好的病区质量管理方法。

    Conclusion Application of zero defects theory in the ward management can improve the quality of nursing service .

  30. 完善这一点的手段就在我们全球标准化指标基础上的“卓越”战略以及零缺陷启动、精益管理、智能解决方案当中。

    The tools to improve here lie within our EXCELLENCE strategy with ZDS , LEAN , Smart Solutions , supported by Global Standardized Metrics .