
  • Labor technical education;work-technic education
  1. 劳动技术教育理论与实践的探索

    Investigating on Theory and Practice of Manual Labor and Skill Education

  2. 劳动技术教育是基础性技术教育。

    Labor and technical education is the basic technical education .

  3. 三类残疾儿童劳动技术教育与就业状况的典型调查

    Investigation on Labouring - technical Education and Employment of Three Kinds of Disabled Children

  4. 我国劳动技术教育的发展

    Development of Labor and Technical Education in China

  5. 从马克思的人的全面发展学说看劳动技术教育

    Studying the Labor Technical Education from the Angle of Marxism View on Human 's All-round Development

  6. 20世纪六七十年代,劳动技术教育明显带有思想政治教育的特点。

    In the 60s and 70s of the 20th century , labor and technical education had obvious political features .

  7. 它分别由研究性学习、社会实践、社区服务、劳动技术教育与信息技术教育构成。

    It contains inquiry learning , social practice , community service , training of working skill and information technique .

  8. 新课程把劳动技术教育变成综合实践活动课程,客观上削弱了它的课程地位。

    Moreover , along with the transition from labor and technical education to comprehensive practice activity curriculum , its curriculum position was objectively Weakened .

  9. 中国现代的劳动技术教育的前身为民国时期劳作教育。

    The modern primary and secondary school Education of The Labor Technology Education in China derived from Labor and Work during the period of ROC .

  10. 在此基础上与中国劳动技术教育现状进行了比较、反思,并提出了一些看法和建议。

    It also compares Technology Education between Germany and China , which leads to some recommendations for further development of the subject in Chinese schools .

  11. 德国的技术教育在全世界享有较高的声誉,其基础教育中的劳动技术教育也颇具特色。

    The German way of the vocational training has a good reputation around the world . Its Work and Technology Education in basic education also has its own characteristics .

  12. 就实施而言,基础技术教育主要是以渗透的方式进行,即使是在传统的劳动技术教育中,技术教育的地位也是次要的,从属于劳动教育的地位的。

    The basic education of technology is implemented in the way of infiltration , even in the education of labor and technology , the status is minor , subordinated to that of the labor .

  13. 第十八条按照国家有关规定送工读学校接受义务教育的未成年人,工读学校应当对其进行思想教育、文化教育、劳动技术教育和职业教育。

    Article 18 In respect of minors who are sent to work-and-study schools to receive compulsory education pursuant to relevant regulations of the State , the work-and-study schools shall conduct among such minors ideological , cultural , labour skill and vocational education .

  14. 劳技中心教育资源指的是劳动技术教育中心、劳动技术教育基地或劳动技术教育学校为完成集中对学生专门实施劳动技术教育的目标,所必须具备的硬件及软件资源的综合体。

    The Working Technology Education Center educational resources is a hardware and software complex of Labor and Technology Education Center , Labor and Technology Education Base or Labor & Technology Schools with the aim of centralized special education of working technology on the students .

  15. 试析劳动与技术教育和研究性学习的整合

    On the Conformity of Labor - Technology Education and Studied Learning

  16. 劳动与技术教育课程是此次基础教育课程改革中关注的重点。

    In this curriculum reform , labor and technology education curriculum is considered to be a key point .

  17. 劳动与技术教育的本质在于通过学生的实践经验培养创新精神。

    The essence of working and technology education is the cultivation of students ' innovation through practical experiences .

  18. 目前在农村小学生劳动与技术教育的实施方面还存在一些需要研究解决的问题,而学术界对这方面的问题的研究还比较薄弱。

    At present , there are some problems needs to be solved in the implement of rural primary students ' laboring and technical education , and it is the weak section for academia .

  19. 同时从小学到高中设置综合实践活动并作为必修课程,其内容包括信息技术教育,研究性学习,社区服务与社会实践以及劳动与技术教育。

    At the same time integrated practical activities should be set as a compulsory subject from primary to high school , including information and technology education , research-based learning , community service and social practice , and labor and techniques education .

  20. 它既包括研究性学习、社区服务与社区实践、劳动与技术教育、信息技术教育等指定领域,也包括班队活动、科技周、读书节、艺术节等非指定领域。

    It includes not only the designated fields such as research study , community services and community practice , labor and technology education , and communicational technology education ; but also the non-designated fields such as class activities , science and technology week , reading festival or arts festival .

  21. 中度智力残疾学生劳动、劳动技术教育实验报告

    Experiment on Laboring technical Education for Moderate Mentally Retarded Pupils

  22. 盲、聋、启智学校劳动技术与职业教育问题研究方案

    Research Project of Labouring-technical and Vocational Education in Schools for the Blind , Deaf and Mentally Retarded Children

  23. 天津市河西区启智学校在七年级进行了劳动技术和职业教育的可能性和现实性的实验研究。

    This paper describes the feasibility and reality of working skill and vocational education for senior grade pupils in special schools .

  24. 本文为全国教育科学规划“九五”期间重点项目“三类残疾儿童的劳动技术与职业教育问题”课题的“聋校劳动技术与职业教育大纲”子课题。

    This research is a part of " Laboring technical and vocational education study for the handicapped children ", the national education research project in1995 ~ 1999 .

  25. 教育内容主要包括:六艺之学、体育教育、劳动教育和实用技术教育。

    Educational content includes : " Six Classics " study 、 physical education 、 practice technical education and labour education .

  26. 教育干预134名学生和课堂观摩194节课,了解劳动与技术课程的教育干预效果;

    134 students were intervened and 194 teaching sessions were observed for the effect of NE carried in Labor technology course .

  27. 通过使用特尔菲法进行专家函询,证明课题组所拟订的劳动、劳动技术与职业教育教学目标的科学性和可操作性。

    The outcome shows , the educational objective of laboring technical and vocational education for the handicapped children proposed by the project team is scientific and operative .

  28. 在还原了劳动教育真义和阐述了技术教育价值的基础上,本文提出:用实践经验和创新精神重新整合我国的劳动教育与技术教育,是我国基础教育真正实现现代化的一条必由之路。

    The present thesis , building on the basis of restoring the original sense of working education and demonstrating with the value of technology education , proposes to unite working education and technology education in our country with practical experiences and innovation , a way for modernizing our basic education .