
  • 网络Lawrence
  1. 房后有一条绿树成荫的小溪,叫做巴罗斯溪,以劳伦斯市的文学赞助者威廉·巴罗斯(WilliamS.Burroughs)命名。

    Behind the house , trees line a creek named for William S. Burroughs , the literary patron of Lawrence .

  2. 伦纳德·伯恩斯坦1918年生于马萨诸塞州的劳伦斯市,是第一代美国犹太人。

    A first-generation Jewish American , Bernstein was born in Lawrence , Mass in 1918 .

  3. 我们在巴罗斯径散步,走到劳伦斯市老城区的中心,边走边谈她的诗作。

    We took a walk along the Burroughs trail and up into the heart of Lawrence 's old downtown and talked about her poetry .

  4. 现在,洛克伍德和肯德尔租住在堪萨斯州劳伦斯市东部的一座科德角风格的房子一层,距离她父母的住处只有30分钟车程。

    Today , Lockwood and Kendall live on the ground floor of a Cape Cod-style house on the east side of Lawrence , Kan . , a 30-minute drive from her parents .