
  • 网络American Athletic Union
  1. 合作的目标是加速美国竞技游戏大联盟作为一项主流媒体资产的增长,增加其官网MLG.tv的观看人数,强化Relativity公司在游戏领域的分量。

    The goal of the collaboration was to accelerate MLG 's growth as a mainstream media property , drive appointment viewing to MLG.tv and further strengthen Relativity 's presence in the gaming space .

  2. 2013年,美国竞技游戏大联盟(MLG)与Relativity影业公司达成了一项涵盖竞技管理、电视、电影与数码媒体等方面的内容与营销战略合作。

    Major League Gaming and Relativity formed a strategic content and marketing partnership across sports management , television , film and digital media in 2013 .