
  1. 借鉴BOT模式是高校后勤社会化改革的一种有益尝试。

    The socialization reform in college logistics can benefit from the BOT ( Build , Operate and Transfer ) mode of investment .

  2. 在高校后勤社会化改革后,高校餐饮市场面临着极大的挑战和机遇,文中着重应用ABC分类法对高校餐饮企业采购食品原材料进行分析,论述了高校餐饮企业采购成本控制的重要性。

    After logistical socialization reform , college catering market faces great challenges and opportunities . This article , by applying ABC method , emphasizes the importance of purchasing cost control by way of analyzing and segmenting the raw materials and suppliers .

  3. 建立模拟法人实体推进高校后勤社会化改革

    Set up Mimic Corporative Entities to Promote Socialization of College Logistics

  4. 安徽省高校后勤社会化改革刍议

    Humble opinion on socialized rear-service reform of Anhui colleges and universities

  5. 高校后勤社会化改革的最终目标是什么?

    What 's the ultimate aim of university rear-service socialization reform ?

  6. 中外高校后勤社会化管理模式比较研究

    A Contrastive Study of University Logistics Socialization in China and Abroad

  7. 论转化构词法高校后勤社会化中后勤管理干部的角色定位和角色转换

    Role Orientation and Conversion in Process of Rear - Service Socialization

  8. 高校后勤社会化为物业管理提供了可能性和必要性.要探讨高校物业管理模式,必须从三方面入手:把体制转换放在首位;

    But the socialization of university logistics brings possibility and necessity .

  9. 浅析高校后勤社会化财务内控体系

    On the Financial Inner Control System of Logistics Socialization in Colleges

  10. 第一,在全面分析了高校后勤社会化改革现状、总结历史经验的基础上,提出

    With the analysis on the history and current situation , the

  11. 高校后勤社会化改革中有关财务管理问题的研究

    Research on Financial Management in Logistics Socialized Reform of Higher Institutions

  12. 论广西高校后勤社会化改革的若干模式

    On the Mode and Characteristics of Logistics Socialization Reform in Colleges

  13. 高校后勤社会化改革的对策分析

    The Countermeasure Analysis of the University 's Logistics Socialization Reform

  14. 高校后勤社会化保障过程中签订业务合同应注意的几个问题

    Issues on Business Contract of Rear Service Socialization in Universities and Colleges

  15. 高校后勤社会化中的几个关系

    The Several Relation on Socialization of Logistic Service in Colleges and Universities

  16. 推进高校后勤社会化改革应着力解决的几个问题

    A few problems on pushing the reform of service socialization in college

  17. 对高校后勤社会化改革中财务管理的几点认识

    Thoughts about Financial Administration in the Socialized Reform of University 's Logistics

  18. 德国高校后勤社会化及其启迪

    Enlightenment on the Socialization of Logistic Service in German Colleges

  19. 高校后勤社会化的财会运作机制探索

    Financial System Fitting for the Socialization of Logistics in Colleges

  20. 高校后勤社会化的理论与实践研究

    Theoretical and Practical Observation Of the Socialization of Rear Service for Colleges

  21. 基于市场的高校后勤社会化进程

    The market-based socialization process of logistics in higher learning institutions

  22. 谈高校后勤社会化改革与物业管理

    Comments on Logistics Socialization Reform and Residential Management in Colleges and Universities

  23. 1999年,全国高校后勤社会化改革开始。

    In 1999 , the reforming of university logistics began .

  24. 高校后勤社会化运行机制的研究

    The Research of Operating Mechanism of University 's Socialized Logistics

  25. 高校后勤社会化改革制约因素探讨

    Probe into the Factors Restricting University 's Logistic Socialization Reform

  26. 高校后勤社会化改革中产权模式探析

    An Inquiry on Property Right in Reform of College Logistics ' Socialization

  27. 我国高校后勤社会化的改革,催生了高校后勤实体。

    Reform of college logistic socialization has brought about college logistic entities .

  28. 理顺财务关系,促进高校后勤社会化改革

    Promoting the Socialization of Logistics at Universities by Straightening out Financial Relation

  29. 高校后勤社会化必须把握好三个根本转变

    Three Fundamental Conversions on Socialization of College Rear Service

  30. 刍议高校后勤社会化改革

    On Socialization Reform of Logistics at Colleges and Universities