
  1. 接下来,我用同样的零碎时间方法写小说。

    Later on I wrote novels by the same piecemeal method .

  2. 也许只要利用办公室里的零碎时间进行间歇性训练就可以了。

    The solution just might be in-office interval training .

  3. 我只能用些零碎时间来读书。

    I only get the odd moment to read .

  4. 志愿者们利用所有的零碎时间改进他们的语言技能!

    They are eager to use every single minute to improve their language skills .

  5. 任何零碎时间都训练英语技能的好机会!

    Any spare moment can be a great opportunity to exercise your English skills .

  6. 零碎时间是宝贵的,因为那是学英语的最佳时间。

    Spare minutes are precious because they are the very best time to learn English .

  7. 利用零碎时间运动

    Find Pockets of Time for Exercise

  8. 我承诺,一有零碎时间,我就会大声地、疯狂地朗读英语。

    I promise I will read English loudly and crazily whenever I have a spare minute .

  9. 从一个年轻人怎样利用零碎时间就可以预见他的前途。

    How a young deal with his or her spare time can determine his or her future .

  10. 我要利用我所有的零碎时间来加强我的英语和演讲水平!

    I will make the most of my spare time to polish my English and public speech-making skills !

  11. 对很多人来说,这就是造成效率下降的一个主要原因&零碎时间没有利用好。

    For many people , it is this in-between time that becomes a major source of lost productivity .

  12. 如果你好好利用每一分钟的零碎时间,你的英语一定会学得很好。

    If you can make good use of every spare minute , you are certain to learn English well .

  13. 英语学习资料随身携带,这样你就能充分利用点滴的零碎时间来学习英语!

    Always have English learning material with you so you can use every spare minute to improve your English !

  14. 对很多人来说,这就是造成效率下降的一个主要原因——零碎时间没有利用好。

    For many people , it is this " in-between " time that becomes a major source of lost productivity .

  15. 要利用零碎时间快速做全身性重量训练,不妨关上办公室的门,准备进行7分钟科学健身。

    For a fast , full-body weight-training and interval program , close your office door and cue up the Scientific 7-Minute Workout .

  16. 充分把你的零碎时间利用好了,你就已经比别人走远了很多很多!

    If you can make full use of the time you waste every day , then you have already gone farther than many others .

  17. 你不能把自己的大部分时间花在其中一个上,然后把另一个塞到一天中剩下的零碎时间中。

    You cant spend the majority of your time on one and then cram the other into the few remaining moments of your day .

  18. 使用装箱清单能让你在零碎时间里进行打包,也能让你安心,保证你在出门时带上了所要的一切。

    Using a packlist allows you to pack in a fraction of the time , and gives you the peace of mind that you have everything before you leave the house .

  19. 当你做计划的时候,先把大块时间安排来做真正重要的事情,再把小任务放到零碎时间完成。

    When you 're planning out your schedule , start by blocking out big chunks of time for the things that are really important , and then using the remaining breaks for smaller tasks .

  20. 没错,从俄克拉荷马城出发看起来要比从波士顿出发节省一两个小时,但如果算上去机场途中的时间以及其他一些零碎时间(因为是20多人一起旅行,所以得把时间稍微放宽一点)。

    Yes , obviously the flight is probably an hour or two shorter from OKC rather than Boston , but when you factor in having to go to the airport and everything that comes with that ( magnified by a little because we 're talking about 20 + people traveling together ) .

  21. 不论我们有多忙,也总能见缝插针的找到一些零碎的时间来冥想。

    All of us , no matter how busy , have small gaps in our day that are perfect for meditation .

  22. “时间碎片”指的是一个人一天中零碎的休闲时间。

    Time confetti refers to brief scraps throughout a person ’ s day . Example :