
  1. 本文对引进及消化吸收美国CPI公司高压气瓶技术进行了分析,并将其开发成能够符合国内道路运输要求的高压高纯度气体的专用运输半挂车。

    The author and his colleague comprehended and analyzed the technology of high pressure cylinder introduced from America CPT company , then developed it into special semi - trailer subject to domestic requirement of road transportation for high pressure and high purity gas .

  2. 长江公路大桥梁段专用运输船设计研究

    Design of Ship for Transporting Module of Highway Bridge over Yangtze River

  3. 带升降装置的特种货车&铁路专用运输平车

    The Special Freight Car with Elevator & The Special Railway Transport Flat Cars

  4. 气囊单元必须使用经官方批准的专用运输包装进行运送!

    Airbag units must only be dispatched in transport packaging officially approved for that purpose !

  5. 本实用新型涉及一种稻壳装卸专用运输车。

    The utility model relates to a rice husk loading and unloading special carrier vehicle .

  6. 搅拌筒是混凝土搅拌专用运输车用于装载、转运混凝土的重要部件。

    The mixing device is the most important department of the concrete mixer vehicle to load and transport the concrete .

  7. 拥有海运仓库、空运仓库,配有专用运输车队,在码头,机场,航交所、报关大厅,设有办公场所和服务窗口。

    We also have our own transportation cars , seaport warehouse , airport warehouse , air trade center , custom declare center , office and service windows .

  8. 纵观集装箱运输在航运市场中的发展史可以清楚的发现:传统的粮食,煤炭等大宗散货专用运输形式被集装箱运输取代的趋势越来越明显。

    It can be clearly found in the shipping developing history that : the trend that traditional bulk cargo like grain , coal , etc is replaced by the form of container transport is more and more obvious .

  9. 混凝土搅拌运输车是一种在汽车底盘上,安装一个可自行转动搅拌筒的水泥混凝土专用运输装备,广泛应用于城市建设和道路施工领域,是城市基础建设必备的工程车辆。

    Truck Mixer is a special transportation vehicle , which consists of vehicle chassis and a self-rotating concrete mixing drum . Being a necessary transportation equipment for the urban construction , it is widely used in the field of urban construction and road construction .

  10. 装动物的有专用动物运输车,装其它货品的叫货车。

    Stock cars carry animals and freight cars transport bulk goods .

  11. 有色冶炼企业专用铁路运输智能调度系统研究

    Study on Special Railway Transportation Intelligent Dispatching System of Non-ferrous Smelt Enterprise

  12. 关于大型企业专用铁路运输信息管理系统的设计

    Special Railway Transportation Information Management System for Enterprises

  13. 本文比较了物流发展的三个阶段中航空运输业与海运业特别是集装箱专用船舶运输业的物流对应力。

    The object of this article is to compare the logistics adaptability of container shipping with that of air transportation in the three stages of the development of logistics in Japan .

  14. 专用铁路运输是我国铁路运输的重要组成部分,目前,我国许多专用铁路都座落在矿区,承担着矿区煤炭运输的任务。

    Exclusive railway transportation is an important part of railway transportation in China , at present , many exclusive railway are located in the coal mining area , undertaking the task of coal transportation .

  15. 基于资产专用性的运输业分类监管研究

    A Study on Classified Regulation of Transportation Industry Based on Asset Specificity

  16. 由于我国的许多矿区都拥有多座一流的现代化生产矿井,综合机械化程度均较高,因此矿区专用铁路的运输量逐渐增大。

    Because many mining districts of China possess of many high-class modernized mine , and the degree of comprehensive mechanization is quite high , so the exclusive railway traffic volume is getting more .

  17. 蒸汽机,船舶推进用液态时,以专用汽车槽车或专用轮船运输。

    Engine , steam , for marine propulsion Transported using special truck or ship when it is in liquid form .

  18. 货车用于运输垃圾或货物的有轨封闭或小车液态时,以专用汽车槽车或专用轮船运输。

    A closed railroad car used for carrying baggage or freight . Transported using special truck or ship when it is in liquid form .

  19. 根据国内外公交专用道设置的实际经验,论述城市公共交通专用道的内容、分类和特点,分析并强调公交专用道在城市运输系统中的作用。

    Based on the experiences home and abroad , the paper discusses the concept , classification and characteristics of bus lane , and emphasizes its impact on urban transportation system .