
jīn sī niǎo
  • canary
  1. 金丝鸟发抖地对它的孩子说:走吧!

    ' and a Canary called out in a trembling voice to its children , ' Come away , my dears !

  2. 不过一只美丽的金丝鸟——他是去年夏天从他温暖芬芳的祖国被带到这儿来的——开始高声地唱起来。

    while a pretty canary , as yellow as gold , that had lately been brought from his sunny fragrant home , began to sing aloud .

  3. 金丝鸟在笼里激动地跳着,鹦鹉拍着翅膀,同时叫着:“让我们像一个人吧。”录事吓得要死,赶快从窗子飞出去,飞过一些屋子和许多街道。

    The frightened Canary fluttered about in his cage ; the Parrot flapped his wings , and cried , " Come , let us be men ! " The Clerk felt a mortal fright , and flew through the window , far away over the houses and streets .