
  • 网络setaria glauca;Setaria lutescens;Setaria pumila;yellow foxtail
  1. 金色狗尾草花药壁分四层,即表皮、内壁、中层、绒毡层。

    The anther wall of Setaria glauca consists of four layers : epidermis , endothecium , mid-dle layer and tapetum .

  2. 华南红壤山区野生高产优质牧草&金色狗尾草Setarialutescens(Weig.)F.T.Hubb的研究

    High quality forage Setaria lutescens grown wild on the mountainous red earth in South China

  3. 金色狗尾草的大、小孢子发生及雌、雄配子体发育大黍的大小孢子发生、雌雄配子体发育及其淀粉动态

    Mega and Microsporogenesis , Development of Female and Male Gametophyte and Starch Dynamics in Panicum maximum

  4. 但狗尾草属的青狗尾草、法式狗尾草和金色狗尾草等野生种,由于受种子休眠性的影响,发芽生理法受到一定限制,025%盐床法较为适用;

    The primary result shows that salty water germination method can be used for foxtail millet salt tolerant genotypes screening , but not suitable for Setaria wild species due to their seed dormancy characters .