
  • 网络Metal Cutting Machine Tools;Metal Cutting Machine
  1. 金属切削机床主轴运动误差影响的数学分析

    Mathematics analysis of metal cutting machine tools spindle rotary error influence

  2. 我国机械加工行业中,金属切削机床向重型精密方向的跨跃式发展,对设备基础的设计、施工和检验等方法产生了很大的影响。

    The rapid development of metal cutting machine tools has made great influence upon the design , construction and test of equipment base quality .

  3. 金属切削机床CAI课件的开发

    Development of Metal Cutting Machine Tool CAI courseware

  4. 文中介绍利用Visualc++工具开发金属切削机床重复转速的主传动非常规变速系统优化设计的总体结构、功能和方法。

    This paper states total frames , functions and means to optimize main transmission irregular speed-change system of machine-tool with Visual C + + tool .

  5. 本文介绍了为机类学生金属切削机床课程设计而研究开发的一种CAD系统,以及该系统的总体结构和设计方法。

    This paper introduces a kind of CAD system of shaft transmission of machine tool that is mainly used in the design of the course of metal cutting machine tool and describes the integral strcture , and design procedures .

  6. 对金属切削机床课程设计改革的几点建议

    Some Suggestions on Reform in the Course Design of Machine Tools

  7. 金属切削机床主轴的优化设计

    The use of optimization technique in design of spindle of metal-cutting machine

  8. GB/T16769-1997金属切削机床噪声声压级测量方法

    Metal-cutting machine tools & Measurement method of sound pressure level

  9. 金属切削机床多媒体教学软件的研制

    Development of Multimedia Instruction System about Metal Cutting Machine Tool

  10. 金属切削机床安装工程施工及验收规范

    Code for construction and acceptance of metal-cutting machine installation engineering

  11. 重型金属切削机床基础设计中需要注意的若干问题

    Key Issues in Design of Equipment Bases for Heavy-duty Metal Cutting Machine Tools

  12. 金属切削机床渐开线圆柱齿轮承载能力计算方法

    Method for calculating load capacity of involute cylindrical gears in metalcutting machine tools

  13. GB/T4215-1984金属切削机床噪声声功率级的测定

    Determination of sound power levels of noise emitted by metal cutting machine tools

  14. GB/T15375-1994金属切削机床型号编制方法

    Metal-cutting machine tools & Method of type designation

  15. 金属切削机床计算机辅助设计(教学)软件的开发

    The software development of CAD ( CAI ) on metal - cutting machine tool

  16. GB/T16768-1997金属切削机床振动测量方法

    Metal-cutting machine tools & Measurement method for vibration

  17. 数控自动操作可适用于所有金属切削机床。

    Automatic operation by NC is readily adaptable to the operation of all metalworking machines .

  18. 六自由度并联机器人在金属切削机床中的应用

    Application of the Parallel Robot with Six-freedom in Space Used in the Metal-cutting Machine Tool

  19. 《金属切削机床》课程计算机辅助教学的实现原理

    Method of Realizing the Computer Assisted Instruction for the Course of Metal Cutting Machine Tool

  20. 金属切削机床是机械加工车间的主要生产设备。(动名词)

    Machine tools for metal cutting comprise the principal manufacturing equipment in the machine shop .

  21. GB/T13574-1992金属切削机床静刚度检验通则

    Metal-cutting machine tools-Test code for static rigidity

  22. 渗失水指标判断重型精密金属切削机床设备基础质量的应用

    Appraisal of Heavy-duty Precision Metal Cutting Machine Tools Equipment Base Quality by Seepage Loss Index

  23. GB/T9061-1988金属切削机床通用技术条件

    General specifications for metal-cutting machine tools

  24. 这架食品加工机可将各种蔬菜切丝切条。GB/T9061-1988金属切削机床通用技术条件

    The food processor can shred all kinds of vegetables . General specifications for metal-cutting machine tools

  25. GB15760-2004《金属切削机床安全防护通用技术条件》标准综述

    Introduction to the New Standard of GB 15760-2004 for Metal-cutting Machine tools – General Safeguarding Specification

  26. 晶闸管异步电机节能器金属切削机床液压记忆系统的综合

    Thyristor Type Energy Saver for Asynchronous Machine The Synthesis of Machine - Tool Hydraulic Sequential System

  27. 金属切削机床主传动系统运动特性的参数化

    The Parametrization of the Characteristics for the Motion of the Main Driving System of Metal-cutling Machine Tools

  28. 丙烯压缩机末级偶极子气动声源识别GB/T16769-1997金属切削机床噪声声压级测量方法

    Dipole Source Identification in Last Stage of Propylene Compressor Metal-cutting machine tools & Measurement method of sound pressure level

  29. 在正确理解核心竞争力含义的基础上,分析了金属切削机床行业的发展趋势和制约因素。

    Based upon core competence , this paper analyses the developing trend and restricting factors in metal cutting machine industry .

  30. 介绍了金属切削机床基础设计的步骤和要点,并阐述了基础设计的重要性。

    Design steps and main points of metal cutting machine tool are introduced and elaborates the importance of machine tool base design .