
  • 网络axa-minmetals
  1. 亚洲交易撮合者表示,除了金盛保险(axa)和英杰华(aviva)等国际领先巨头外,不排除中国人寿(chinalife)等公司也会对友邦感兴趣。

    As well as leading global names such as AXA and Aviva , dealmakers in Asia say that interest in AIA from the likes of China life should not be ruled out .

  2. 在金盛资本,我们崇尚知识分享,经验转移和互助互进。

    In GC , we believe in knowledge sharing and transfer .

  3. 金盛资本的证券分析专注于中等市值规模的中型及快速成长公司。

    In securities analysis , GC focus on small to mid-cap companies with great growth potential .

  4. 金盛以其独特的个性成功占领了香港、美洲,东南亚及国内市场。

    Jinsheng the success of its unique personality occupied Hong Kong , America , Southeast Asia and the domestic market .

  5. 金盛资本为中国企业提供基于资本融资、兼并重组、私募融资、公开上市等过程的全程财务顾问服务。

    GC provides financial advisory services from financing , merger and acquisition , private equity , initial public offering to flow-on financial advisories .

  6. 金盛集团二次创业战略研讨会纪实:快速发展中碰到了制约的因素,如何进行第二次创业,全体管理干部集中研讨;

    The strategy symposium of the second achievement , the restrict factors encountered in fast growth , how to carry out the second achievement .

  7. 集合一个金盛人的创造力,创民族汽摩配第一品牌,让顾客总是满意。

    Collect the creativity of each person from Jinsheng , build up the first national brand for automobile and motorcycle parts and satisfy customers forever .

  8. 金盛集团的发展历程:以承包纸箱包装厂起家,走低成本收购兼并快速扩张跳跃式发展之路,获得了巨大的成功;

    The development history of the GR , begins from contract with the corrugated paper packing factory , greatly succeeds in low cost purchasing , fast expanding .