
  1. 后曹操放火烧掉袁绍屯放于乌巢的军粮等军用物资,袁绍大将张郃、高览投降曹操,袁军士气全无,曹操乘机发动大反攻,杀万余,俘虏7万余。

    Cao Cao launched a counterattack , killed ten thousands and captured about 70 000 of the enemies and drove them in disorder to the north .

  2. 袁军仓皇北逃,其后袁绍一蹶不振,两年后,袁绍病死,二子争位,曹操加以利用。

    Two years later , Yuan Shao died , his two sons fought against each other over the inheritance , and Cao Cao took advantage of the confusion .

  3. 袁军,24岁,曾在河北大业镇担任村官,今年考上了湖北黄石市的公务员。

    Yuan Jun , 24 , once a cunguan in Daye city , Hubei province , was recruited as a civil servant in Hubei 's Huangshi city this year .

  4. 在杰出的将领袁崇焕的带领下,明朝得以不断击退满族人,其中最著名的是1623年(努尔哈赤被比自己兵力少得多的袁军所杀)以及1628年。

    Under the brilliant commander , Yuan Chonghuan , the Ming were able to repeatedly fight off the Manchus , notably in 1623 ( where Nurhaci himself was killed by a much smaller force commanded by Yuan . ) and in 1628 .