
  • 网络Jerry;YOYO;Jerry Yuan;blog
  1. 这些粉丝纷纷留言告诉袁成杰被龚玉雯骗了,并附上了龚玉雯平日尾随其他明星的照片作为证据,随后评论区迅速被上千张相关照片所淹没。

    They told Yuan that he had been duped by Gong , posting pictures of her pursuing other celebrities in the comments section , which was soon flooded with hundreds of similar pictures .

  2. 龚玉雯一举成名还要从十二月份的一起事件说起,当时上海歌手袁成杰在微博上晒出了自己和龚玉雯以及另一位追星女孩一起在虹桥机场麦当劳吃饭的照片,并附上“和两位小粉丝一起吃早餐”的文字。

    Gong was suddenly thrown into the spotlight in December , when Shanghai singer Yuan Chengjie posted a photo on microblogging site Weibo of Gong and another girl at a McDonald 's in Hongqiao airport , writing that he was sharing breakfast with " two little fans . "