
  • 网络Jili;G-LEAF;Janny
  1. 我们为他感到难过,吉丽夫人。

    We can feel sorry for him , Madame Giry .

  2. 接着,吉丽夫人领着她的女儿梅格走进了办公室。

    Then Madame Giry arrived in the office with her daughter Meg .

  3. 突然,她们听到走廊上有人,原来是吉丽夫人,

    Suddenly , they heard somebody in the passage , and Madame Giry ,

  4. 不幸的埃里克!我们为他感到难过,吉丽夫人。

    Unhappy Erik ! We can feel sorry for him , Madame Giry .

  5. 另外这里是两万法郎。吉丽夫人可以把这些钱留在5号包厢里给他。

    And here is 20000 francs.Madame Giry can leave the money in Box 5 for him .

  6. 在那个出名的夜晚过去几个星期以后的一天下午,吉丽夫人出门去了里沃利花园附近的一座小房子。

    Some weeks after that famous night Madame Giry went out one afternoon to a small house near the Rivoli Gardens .

  7. 吉丽夫人看着他。“我的朋友,你知道结果。请告诉我,他们是活着还是死了?”

    Madame Giry looked at him . 'My friend , you know the an swers.Please tell me.Are they alive or dead ? '

  8. 吉丽夫人看着这两个人大笑起来。“我说歌剧院的经理们都是傻瓜!”

    Madame Giry looked at the two men and laughed . 'I say that the directors of the Opera House are fools ! '

  9. 他话一停,吉丽夫人轻声问:“那克丽斯廷·达埃和拉乌尔子爵呢?他们怎么样了?”

    He stopped , and Madame Giry asked quietly , 'And Christine Daa é and Vicomte Raoul ? What happened to them ? '

  10. 而有人说他没有身体,菲尔曼先生说,你说呢,吉丽夫人?

    ' And some people say he has no body , ' said Monsieur Firmin . 'What do you say , Madame Giry ? '

  11. 但是吉丽夫人帮不了什么。吉丽夫人并不怕幽灵,也不怕歌剧院的经理们。

    But Madame Giry was not helpful.Madame Giry was not afraid of ghosts , and she was not afraid of directors of Opera Houses .

  12. 吉丽夫人,那位看门人,知道这一切。除此之外,我还需要在歌剧院工作的钱。

    Madame Giry , the door keeper , knows all about it . Also , I need money for my work in the Opera House .

  13. 这两个人凝视着她。那些话,菲尔曼先生一字一顿地说,你为什么说那些话,吉丽夫人?

    The two men stared at her . 'Those words , Monsieur Firmin said slowly , 'why did you say those words , Madame Giry ? '

  14. 哦,坐下,阿尔芒,听她说,菲尔曼先生说,你为什么那样说,吉丽夫人?

    ' Oh , sit down , Armand , and listen , ' said Monsieur Firmin . 'why do you say that , Madame Giry ? '

  15. 这两个人凝视着她。“那些话,”菲尔曼先生一字一顿地说,“你为什么说那些话,吉丽夫人?”

    The two men stared at her . 'Those words , Monsieur Firmin said slowly , 'why did you say those words , Madame Giry ? '

  16. 不要喊叫,阿尔芒,菲尔曼先生有气无力地说,我也不知道如何是好。让我们同吉丽夫人,那个5号包厢的看门人谈一谈。或许她能帮助我们。

    ' Don 't shout , Armand , 'said Monsieur Firmin tiredly . 'I don 't know the answers . Let 's talk to Madame Giry , the door keeper of Box 5.Perhaps she can help us . '

  17. 而你和我,菲尔曼,到5号包厢里去观看歌剧。”“好,我们可以那样试试,阿尔芒。但是我们不希望发生任何事故。”吉丽夫人走近这两个人。

    And you and I , Firmin , are going to watch the opera from Box 5 . ' ' Well , we can try that , Armand . But we don 't want any ac cidents . '