
  • 网络carburizing
  1. 奥氏体不锈钢经过低温离子渗碳处理后,可显著提高其表面的硬度和耐磨损性能。

    After low temperature plasma carburizing , the surface hardness , wear resistance and fatigue capability of austenitic stainless steels are largely increased .

  2. 液相渗碳处理时钴相梯度结构形成主要是碳原子扩散驱动下的W原子迁移,导致表层碳化钨晶粒长大并相互靠近,从而使液态钴向合金内部迁移。

    On the other hand , Co binder gradient formed by liquid state carburizing is due to migration of W atoms driven by diffusion of carbon atoms , leading to coarser and closer WC grains in the surface and inward diffusion of Co atoms .

  3. 研究了离子注渗W和渗碳处理对低碳结构钢显微组织、表面性能的影响。

    WC was implanted into the surface of steel and iron parts by high-energy ion implanting technique .

  4. 渗碳处理提高TiAl基合金高温抗氧化性

    Improvement of oxidation resistance of TiAl based alloy at the elevated temperature by carburization

  5. 使用SEM、波谱分析、能谱分析和X射线衍射分析,研究了渗碳处理提高TiAl基合金抗高温氧化性能的机理。

    SEM , wave length spectrum analy-sis , EDAX and X-ray diffraction analysis were used to study the mechnism of enhance of oxidation resis-tance of TiAl based alloy by carburization .

  6. 等离子改性处理工艺包括Ar-H2等离子体刻蚀脱碳、Ar-H2-CH4等离子体渗碳处理,实验在直流等离子体射流CVD装置上进行。

    Plasma modification is consisted of Ar-H2 plasma etching and Ar-H2-CH4 plasma decarburizing , experiments have been done on direct current plasma spraying CVD device .

  7. 对Q195普通低碳钢分别进行热浸镀铝加共渗处理和渗碳处理,并对两种处理件进行耐磨性试验。

    Wear resistance of Q195 after Al hot dipping and post diffusion was studied and compared with that of carbonized Q195 .

  8. 利用T-11摩擦磨损试验机分别对其进行耐磨性能的测试后发现,通过纳米金刚石微粉热浸渗处理的试样比渗碳处理的试样耐磨性能提高得多。

    The T-11 fricton and wear testing machine is employed to test the wear-resisting performance . It indicates that the specimen treated by oozing nanometer diamond technique can raise the wear-resistance .

  9. 为了对比,还有一组小试样经过伪渗碳处理。

    Another group of small specimens used for com-parison is pseudo-carburized .

  10. 渗碳处理在工业生产中是一种普遍使用的化学热处理方式。

    Carburizing process is a commonly chemical heat treatment in the manufacture industry .

  11. 材料经渗碳处理后可获得较高的表面硬度、接触疲劳强度而心部仍保持良好的冲击韧性。

    Carburized materials possess relatively high surface hardness , good fatigue strength and enough toughness .

  12. 低温离子渗碳处理是一种能改善奥氏体不锈钢表面力学性能的有效方法。

    Low temperature plasma carburizing is an effective process of improving mechanical property of austenitic stainless steel .

  13. 着重提出了用不均匀奥氏体渗碳处理来实现高浓度渗碳的方法。

    Emphasis has put on a process to achieve high concentration carburization by using heterogeneous austenite carburization .

  14. 研究发现,经固相渗碳处理也可获得钴粘结相呈梯度结构的硬质合金。

    It is found that cemented carbide with Co binder gradient can be fabricated by solid state carburizing .

  15. 而工件的渗碳处理是使碳原子渗入钢制工件表层的化学热处理工艺。

    Carburization is the heat treatment process which carbon atoms permeate into the steel work form its surface .

  16. 毛坯件控制号码:是产品进行毛坯加工和渗碳处理时所用到的号码系统。

    Numerical system , which is used in the scheduling of product to be green machined and carburized .

  17. 试验结果表明,渗碳处理试样接触疲劳性能优于调质氮化的试样。

    Results showed that contact fatigue property of carburized gear samples was better than that of nitrided gear samples .

  18. 结果表明,钛铝基合金经离子渗碳处理后,渗层由碳化物层与过渡层组成;

    The results show that the carburized layer on the TiAl-alloy is composed of the carbide and the transition layers ;

  19. 建立了低于化学计量碳含量的硬质合金在渗碳处理时梯度层厚度增长的动力学方程。

    A dynamic equation has been established for calculation of thickness increase of graded layer when cemented carbide with carbon content below stoichiometric one is carburized .

  20. 精锻锥齿轮渗碳热处理CAPP系统

    The Carburizing Heat Treatment CAPP System of Bevel Gears of Precision Die Forging

  21. 该文阐述了利用VC++6.0开发齿轮渗碳热处理CAPP系统的过程。介绍了系统功能模块的实现及总体设计。

    This paper says using Visual C + + Language to develop gearing heat treatment CAPP system process .

  22. ZF变速器齿轮用国产ZF钢渗碳热处理工艺试验研究

    Study on Carburizing Technology of ZF Steel with ZF Transmission Gear

  23. 结果表明:齿轮轴经过渗碳热处理,在随后的机械磨齿过程中,由于磨削过多,致使渗层只有0.5mm,达不到技术要求。

    Result shows that the failure is caused by the too thin carburization layer ( less than 0.5 mm ) during the long time mechanical wear-tear after carburization .

  24. 在20钢表面进行等离子Mo-Cr共渗及等离子超饱和渗碳复合处理,合金层接近钼系高速钢成分。

    This paper deals with the composite treatment of Mo – Cr plasma surface alloying and plasma super-saturation carburizing on 20 carbon steel substrate . The composition of surface layer is close to that of molybdenum high speed steel .

  25. 渗碳热处理和喷丸综合工艺对接触疲劳性能的影响

    Effect of Carburizing Heat Treatment Combining with Shot Peeling on Rolling Contact Fatigue Behavior

  26. 控制气氛箱式气体渗碳热处理生产线的应用

    The application of the box type gas carburizing heat treatment line with controllable atmosphere

  27. 主轴主要齿轮以铬组合金刚做成。并且都是经过调质渗碳热处理和精密研磨。

    Spindle main gear are made of SCM material all through harden and precision grinding .

  28. 本文介绍了控制气氛箱式气体渗碳热处理生产线的组成及其应用情况。

    The article describes the composition and application of a box type gas carburizing heat treatment line with controllable atmosphere .

  29. 用正交试验法,选出了缝纫机零件气体渗碳热处理的合理工艺。

    The reasonable gas carburizing processes technology for the parts of sewing machine by means of the orthogonal test is found .

  30. 渗碳热处理变形过大和疲劳性能不足是齿轮生产和使用中常见的问题,二者与齿轮所用材料密切相关。

    High heat treatment distortion and poor fatigue properties are two problems commonly occurred in the production and application of transmission gears , both of which are dependent on the gear materials .