
  1. 一种基于渗透性测试的Web漏洞扫描系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation Based on the Test of Permeable Web Crack Sweeping System

  2. SIP协议安全问题成为必须解决的基础问题,有效应对安全威胁的途径之一是渗透性测试。

    The problems of SIP protocol security have been the basic ones that are needed to be solved , penetration testing is one way to deal with security threats .

  3. 盐渍土渗透性测试和渗透系数计算方法

    Permeability testing method and the coefficient permeability measurement of saline soil

  4. 助剂匀染性渗透性测试方法的研究

    On Testing Methods of Level - Dyeing Property and Permeability of Auxiliaries

  5. 混凝土渗透性测试方法的改进及水胶比的影响

    Improvement of concrete permeability testing methods and effect of W / B ratio

  6. 排水性沥青混合料渗透性测试与分析

    Test and Analysis on Permeability of Porous Asphalt Mixture

  7. 渗透性测试试验一般采用直接测渗流量的方法,难以对低渗透岩有效测定流量。

    It is usually directly to test seepage quantity in the laboratory , which is difficult to accurately measure for low permeability rocks .

  8. 在国外,对于渗透性测试的研究以美国为代表的信息化发达国家早已经起步,几乎影响着全世界在风险评估领域的概念、观念和理念。

    America represented by information developed countries has already set about researching the Penetration Testing , which influences almost the whole world of risk assessment .

  9. 概述了目前混凝土氯离子渗透性测试方法当中混凝土氯离子浓度表示和评价方法的不足。

    The defects of chlorinity expressing method and chlorinity assessment method , which exists in the current test methods of chloride ion permeability in concrete , are summarized .

  10. 水泥基材料氯离子渗透扩散性测试技术

    Test Methods for Determining Chloride Ion Diffusivity in Cement Based Materials

  11. 混凝土渗透性的测试方法及影响因素

    Testing methods on the permeability and influence factors of permeability of concrete

  12. 纸的油渗透性的测试方法(蓖麻油试验)

    Testing method for oil absorptiveness of paper ( castor oil method )

  13. 本文阐述了目前混凝土渗透性的测试方法当中存在的共同缺陷,以及渗透性测试方法的改进建议和改进方法。

    This article sets forth the common defects existing in the current testing methods on concrete permeability and the suggestion and ways to improve .

  14. 综述了目前国内外水泥基材料氯离子渗透扩散性测试方法的研究现状和进展,分析了各种方法的优缺点。

    The recent advance in test methods for determining chloride ion diffusivity in cement based materials is reviewed in this paper , and the strong and weak points of each method are analyzed .

  15. 认为水渗透性试验、氯化物渗透性试验、空气渗透性测试各适合于不同的场合和情况,不存在某一种强于另一种的问题。

    It pointed out that , the water permeability test , the chloride permeability test and the air permeability test are suit for different situation and they can not be replaced each other .

  16. 研究了水、氯离子及气体在混凝土中的渗透与扩散的机理,分析了影响混凝土渗透性的主要因素及有待进一步研究的方向,并总结了混凝土渗透性指标的测试方法。

    Research mechanism of diffusion and infiltration of concrete , analyze the main influence factor of the concrete permeability and summarized the method of testing of the penetrating index of concrete .