
wǔ gōng
  • skill in acrobatics in Chinese opera
武工 [wǔ gōng]
  • [skill in acrobatics in Chinese operas] 亦称武功,为戏曲中表演的武术

武工[wǔ gōng]
  1. 然后我们派遣武工队到群众中去进行活动。

    Then we sent our armed work teams to operate among the masses .

  2. 一天早上,我决定去看一支这样的武工队。

    One morning I decided I would like to see one of these teams , so Mr.

  3. 在华北的两个解放区,他与普通的人民和士兵一起,甘苦与共,艰险饱尝,甚至参与了极其危险的武工队敌后捕俘除恶行动。

    In two liberated areas in North china , he shared the dangers hardships of the troops and people , and accompanied small " armed work group " in extremely perilous sallies far behind the enemy lines .