
  • 网络rural social endowment insurance
  1. 但是,辽宁省在新农保试点过程中,养老金给付水平、养老保险基金运营效率、机构监督管理等方面的问题逐渐显现。

    But in the pilot process of the new type of rural social endowment insurance in Liaoning province , the problem of the pension payment level , the efficiency of endowment insurance fund operation and agency regulatory issues is gradually revealed .

  2. 新农保对于保障农村老人的老有所养具有重大意义,是我国社会保障法律体系的重要组成部分。

    The legal system of the new rural social endowment insurance has great significance for the protection of the rural elderly , and plays an important role in the legal system of Chinese social security .

  3. 本部分在新型农村社会养老保险如何立法方面,对新农保制度立法的体例和基本原则进行分析。

    This section analyzed the style and basic principles of legislation .

  4. 基于新农保合意模式测算分析财政负担水平。

    Calculation of fiscal payment level based on new rural pension consensus mode .

  5. 辽宁省从2006年开始探索建立新型农村社会养老保险制度,研讨开展新农保工作的思路。

    Liaoning Province has begun to try to build new-type rural endowment insurance system since 2006 .

  6. 第四章主要是阐述新农保国内典型地区的实践,并且得出了可供借鉴的经验。

    Chapter four it focuses on the practice in some typical regions and obtains some useful experiences .

  7. 第二部分分析有关新农保的一些概念和理论基础。

    The second part is about some of the concepts and theoretical basis of the new insurance .

  8. 笔者认为,深入探究农民参加新农保的意愿和行为十分必要。

    It is necessary to study the farmers ' desire and behavior in the new rural endowment insurance .

  9. 采用信息化手段对农保业务和数据进行管理成为必然的趋势。

    The use of information technology on rural social insurance and data management has become an inevitable trend .

  10. 第六部分,提出了解决河北省新农保试点存在问题的对策。

    Part VI is the countermeasures to solve the problems of the new agricultural insurance pilot in Hebei Province .

  11. 本文重点研究了以下四个方面内容:1.研究建立和完善新农保制度及财政负担的理论依据。

    Study on the theoretical basis for the establishment and improvement of new rural pension institution and fiscal payment .

  12. 新农保基金由个人缴费、集体补助、政府补贴构成,其中政府补贴包括中央财政补贴和地方财政补贴。

    The fund of new rural endowment insurance is made up of personal wages , collectively pooled subsidy and government subsidy .

  13. 本文希望通过对新型农村社会养老保险立法问题进行研究,对解决新农保制度实施过程中的种种问题有所裨益。

    This essay aims to research the legislation of the new rural pension insurance system , and hopes to benefit practice .

  14. 按照这种模式建立覆盖全民的统一的社会养老保险制度才是有效的、公平的、可持续的,才能使新农保制度在更高层面中得以延续和发展。

    Social endowment insurance system for the establishment of a unified universal coverage in this mode became effective , equitable and sustainable .

  15. 最后对新农保试点的主要内容、基本原则、基本特点等做了简单介绍。

    Finally , it is introduced the main content , basic principles , security object , pension receiving about new rural insurance .

  16. 运用回归分析方法从两个层面分析了农村社会资本对新农保参保决策的作用。

    From two aspects , it is analyzed that rural social capital is apt to the insurance decision using regression analysis method .

  17. 构建新型农村社会养老保险制度的思路为:第一,政府对农保制实行财政补贴;

    The idea for establish new rural social pension insurance system as follows . First , financial subsidies to agricultural insurance system ;

  18. 中央政府在新农保中的财务责任集中体现在基础养老金的水平和补助方式上。

    The financial responsibility of the central government in the new farmer ' sinsurance embodied in the level of basic pension and subsidy .

  19. 在宏观外部环境上主要从经济、社会、文化方面分析了其对新农保可持续性的影响。

    At the same time , I analyze the macro environment of the new system from the economic , social and cultural aspects .

  20. 我国新型农村社会养老保险制度(以下简称新农保)能否顺利推进的关键在于明确界定各层级政府问的责任尤其是财政责任。

    In the construction of new old-aged insurance system in China , the key is to clearly define the responsibility of the government .

  21. 介绍了新农保的基本思想和制度设计,分析了新农保推行过程中的问题和难点。

    This paper introduces new farming keeps the basic ideas and system design , analyses the new farming keeps pushing process problems and difficulties .

  22. 指出新农保资金在筹集、管理、保值增值、法律保障方面存在的问题。

    The new rural insurance fund has exposed some questions , such as : raising , management , increasing the value and legal protection .

  23. 基于此,本文着力于考察新农保制度在实施中的公平状况。

    Based on this , this article focus on the exploration of the new rural pension insurance in the implementation of the fair condition .

  24. 然而,新农保在试行过程中也遇到了不少问题,它的制度仍然存在着一些缺陷。

    However , the new agricultural insurance in the development process also encountered many problems , it still exists some defects in the system .

  25. 新农保基金运行机制比老农保有所改善,但依然存在不少问题。

    The fund operation mechanism of the new rural endowment insurance is better than the former . However , it also has some problems .

  26. 政府行为在新农保制度中扮演着重要角色,其制度设计、财政扶助、监督管理等行为无不影响着新农保的成败。

    The government behavior played an important role in its system design , such as financial assistance and supervision , which influence the efficiency .

  27. 而农民作为新农保的参与主体,他们对这一制度的态度如何,关系到养老保险的实施效果及农民的保障。

    As the main body of the insurance , farmers ' attitude to the system is related to the effects of the rural pension .

  28. 国家的政策知识和村民地方性知识之间的碰撞在村委会的中间作用下得到了有效的缓解,一定程度上改变了村民的认识,最终得以使新农保政策被多数村民认同。

    The collisions between state policy knowledge and local knowledge for the villagers themselves would be effectively alleviated with the intermediate action for the village .

  29. 第三部分阐述了我国已经具备了建立新农保制度的必要性及可行性条件。

    The third part of the article elaborates that our country has had the necessity and feasibility condition to construct the new agricultural insurance system .

  30. 正是新农保政策的试点实行,让农村养老保险进入了一个新的阶段。

    Just because the " new rural insurance " is carried out on a pilot basis , the rural endowment insurance has entered a new stage .