
  1. 吕大吉是中国宗教学的开创者,对中国宗教学研究做出了巨大的贡献。

    Lv Daji is the pioneer Chinese religion , his religious study have been made great contributions to China .

  2. 第二章介绍吕大吉先生的生平和著作简介,以及宗教学学科在中国的的发展。

    Good luck in the second chapter Mr lv Introduction to the life and work , and the development of the religious subject in China .

  3. 目前,对于吕大吉的研究大部分是关于吕大吉先生的两部书籍和宗教四要素的评论。

    At present , the study of Lv Daji business is mostly about Lv Daji great luck for Two books and reviews four elements of religion .

  4. 在中国,吕大吉先生的宗教学研究为我们了解宗教学打开了一道大门,无愧为中国宗教学的奠基人。

    In China , Mr Lv fine religious studies opened the door for us to understand religion , clear conscience as the founder of the religion in China .