
  1. 从两幅静物画看吕斯百的早期油画

    A Study on Lv Sibai 's Early Oil Paintings through Two of his Still Life Ones

  2. 笔者将吕斯百各个时期的作品与其文章、自述材料,以及时代背景中的同期人物史料相对照,从而加深对作品风格、技术样式的师承、流变以及作品产生的内在依据和外部影响的理解。

    The author intends to understand better the style , the traditions , the transformation as well as internal basis and external influences by contrasting Lv 's works of art , articles and some other records with the historical materials of his contemporaries .

  3. 20世纪中国美术史及美术教育史中有许多被模糊的人物。吕斯百作为一个大学教授和艺术家,因其在历史上的重要作用,是不应忽略的人物。

    There were many vague personages in the history of art itself and art education of the 20th century in China , Lv SiBai , as a professor in a university , normally should not have been neglected , for he played an important part in the art history .