
  • 网络pang ho cheung;Pang Ho-cheung
  1. 同年晚些时候,她主演的第二部影片,彭氏兄弟导演的心理惊悚片《见鬼10》上映了,当时她在澳门拍摄彭浩翔导演的《伊莎贝拉》。

    Later that same year , her sophomore movie , the Pang Brothers ' ③ psycho-thriller The Eye10 was released , while she was in Macao shooting Isabella directed by Pang Ho Cheung ④ .

  2. 志明与春娇LoveinaPuff6《志明与春娇》是2010年由导演彭浩翔执导的香港爱情电影,由余文乐和杨千嬅主演。

    Love in a Puff is a 2010 Hong Kong romantic comedy directed by Pang7 Ho-cheung and starring Shawn Yue and Miriam Yeung .

  3. 彭浩翔的爱情喜剧新片《撒娇女人最好命》(WomenWhoFlirt)里的敌人是谁?你绝对不会搞错的。

    You 'll never be confused about who the enemy is in " Women Who Flirt , " Pang Ho-cheung 's new romantic comedy .

  4. 彭浩翔强烈建议观众去看粤语版本。

    Pang strongly recommends viewers see the Cantonese version .

  5. 这个男人确实很像黄晓明,因为彭浩翔请来黄晓明客串这一角色。

    The man really does look like Huang , and Pang invited Huang to make a cameo .

  6. 他们来到北京开始自己新的事业,这一情节也是许多香港人的真实写照,彭浩翔便是其中之一。

    They move to Beijing to start new careers , as do many Hong Kong residents , such as Pang .

  7. 一天,彭浩翔打开了为影片角色而申请的电子邮箱,他惊喜地发现里面有很多观众发来的邮件。

    One day , Pang opened the e-mail box he had created for the character and was surprised to find there were many mails from viewers .

  8. 他们正试图为自己的子女寻找另一半。彭浩翔和陆以心觉得这个场景很有趣,并将这一情节加入到新片《春娇与志明》中。

    They were trying to find boyfriends or girlfriends for their children . Pang and Luk found the scene interesting and included it in their film Love in the Buff .