
  • 网络pemberton;John S. Pemberton
  1. 我们渴望改变、增长并将我们的传统发扬光大,这可以追溯到亚特兰大药剂师约翰彭伯顿(johnpemberton)发明可口可乐的初创时期。

    This eagerness to change and grow and build on our heritage goes back to our earliest days and the invention of Coca-Cola by John Pemberton , an Atlanta pharmacist .

  2. 就在这一年,彭伯顿在亚特兰大推出了可口可乐。

    That was the year Pemberton introduced Atlanta to Coca-Cola .

  3. 他被匆匆送入彭伯顿医院,因为他的血液不能正常凝结。

    He was rushed into Pemberton hospital because his blood wasn 't clotting properly .

  4. 19世纪80年代,彭伯顿的健康状况非常糟糕,同时经济上也遭受打击。

    By the 1880s , Pemberton was not well , and he was also hurting financially .

  5. 在接受《每日邮报》的采访时,彭伯顿承认她只是想开个玩笑,另外她觉得奶奶大概值99英镑。

    She told the Daily Mail it was just a joke and she expected a bid of around £ 99 .

  6. 彭伯顿在亚特兰大开了一家药店,他在那里卖利肝丸、生发剂、止咳药水和其他药品。

    Pemberton had a drugstore in Atlanta , where he sold liver pills , hair restorer , cough mixtures and other medicines .

  7. 1872年,彭伯顿申请破产。几年后,他又眼睁睁地看着自己在亚特兰大的生意在两场大火中被付之一炬。

    In 1872 , Pemberton filed for bankruptcy and a few years later watched helplessly when two fires ravaged his Atlanta business .

  8. 如此一来,彭伯顿出售的就只是黑色的浓缩糖浆,从而可以节省大笔运输费用。

    All Pemberton sold was a dark , syrupy concentrate , which allowed him to save enormous amounts of money on transportation costs .

  9. 冷饮店的经营者们需要做的,仅仅是按一定比例将水兑入彭伯顿制成的饮料(至少五盎司水兑一盎司糖浆)。

    That 's because it was soda fountain operators who mixed the water - at least five ounces per one ounce of syrup - into Pemberton 's finished beverages .

  10. 英国10岁女童佐薇·彭伯顿厌倦了听祖母抱怨膝关节手术,也烦透了一遍遍被使唤去倒茶。

    Zoe Pemberton , a10-year-old girl from the UK , was fed up with hearing her grandmother complain about her knee operation and with being told to make cups of tea .

  11. 换成汽水不仅仅是应对禁酒令的权宜之计,这也让彭伯顿得以将约80%的产品生产外包出去。

    The decision to switch to water was more than just an expedient solution to a prohibition problem : it allowed Pemberton to outsource roughly 80 % of his product 's volume onto others .