
hé fānɡ
  • where?
  1. 他来自何方对我来说并不重要。

    Where he is from is of no consequence to me .

  2. 阿姆斯特朗拿不准自己的人生远景在何方。

    Armstrong is uncertain where his long-term future lies

  3. 在第4频道的收视率调查中《欧洲警察》被《凯特和阿莉》、《希尔街的布鲁斯》和《何方神圣》打败。

    Eurocops was beaten in the ratings on Channel 4 by Kate and Allie , Hill Street Blues and St Elsewhere

  4. 无论你处在生命里的哪个阶段、准备去向何方、在GDA做什么项目,你都能在一个贫穷而偏远的社区里创造积极的变化。

    Whatever stage of life you 're at , wherever you go and whatever project you do in GDA , you 'll create positive changes in a poor and remote community .

  5. “它能飞到哪里去?”一只鸟笑着发问,“我也曾击翅长空,可我贪恋万绿从中的安逸,又落翅而返。对我来说已经足够了,可巨鸟究竟想飞向何方?”

    Where can it be going ? Wondered a bird with a laugh , " I once flew into the sky , then come down to enjoy myself among the bushes . That 's good enough for me . Where else does it want to go ? "

  6. WTO背景下的中国轿车工业路在何方

    Under WTO The Way for China Car Industry

  7. Google:究竟哪家公司的社会化媒体策略是合理的呢?在社会化领域,这两家公司的剑指何方?

    What are the goals of both companies in the social realm ?

  8. 就SOA来讲,我非常想知道它将走向何方。

    In terms of SOA , I 'll be very interested to see where it goes .

  9. LED显示屏市场走向何方?如何才能在LED显示屏市场上取得竞争的主动权?

    How about the LED display market will be , and how to get the initiative in the competition LED display market .

  10. 这台仪器通过水听器采集海豚的声音,并用LED灯标明声音采自何方。

    The machine works by using hydrophones to pick up the dolphin sounds and LEDs to show the direction they came from .

  11. 运营商得是何方神圣,才敢威胁阻止其用户访问Facebook或Twitter?

    What operator , after all , would threaten to block its customers from reaching Facebook or Twitter ?

  12. TD-SCDMA路在何方?

    Where is the way for TD-SCDMA ?

  13. 然而,增长的公共债务,并不主要是由于浪费的花销和“不知通向何方的桥梁”,而是因为人口的老龄化,IMF如是说道。

    However , the public debt has been accrued not primarily through wasteful spending or " bridges to nowhere ", but because of ageing , says the IMF .

  14. 之前一直迷茫前途在何方,直到我认识了PhilDunphy。

    I just didn 't know what the next chapter should be , but then I met a guy named Phil Dunphy .

  15. 然而,我们不应因约翰梅纳德凯恩斯(JohnMaynardKeynes)的复活,而忽视了米尔顿弗里德曼(MiltonFriedman)的存在:这些资金将流向何方?

    Yet the revival of John Maynard Keynes should not lead us to ignore Milton Friedman : where will all that money go ?

  16. 我国西部地区引进FDI技术溢出效应考察:以重庆为例出路在何方:中国科协赴荷兰科技期刊考察团有感

    A Study on Technology Spillovers of FDI in Western China : Chongqing as a Case Study What we can do : the report on China Association for Science and Technology sci-tech periodicals team 's Netherland visit

  17. 虽然还没有引起最初HTML引入W3C时所爆发的大规模的标准之争,但这两个组织对HTML走向何方并非总是一致的。

    While no standards war has erupted yet on the scale that brought HTML into the W3C in the first place , these two organizations are not always in agreement as to where HTML should go .

  18. 保持对各类视频的兼收并蓄,这意味着无论互联网/传统电视市场走向何方,YouTube都已立足不败之地。

    By keeping itself open to the entire range of video offerings , YouTube means to position itself to prosper no matter what the Internet / TV market ends up looking like .

  19. 汇丰(HSBC)股票策略师罗伯特帕克斯(RobertParkes)表示:定量宽松是一次重大货币政策试验,没有人真的知道会发生什么,或是这些钱会流向何方。

    Robert Parkes , equity strategist at HSBC , says : QE is one big monetary experiment and no one really knows what will happen or where the money will go .

  20. 不要相信“源IP”地址、HTTP“Referrer”头的值或者类似的数据所告诉您的数据来自何方;那些来自发送者的值可以被伪造。

    Don 't trust the " source IP " address , the HTTP " Referrer " header value , or similar data to tell you where the data really came from ; those values come from the sender and can be forged .

  21. 尽管此框架自动传输数据并转换来自请求参数的数据,但数据将前往何方,OGNL如何确定目标呢?

    The framework automatically transfers data and data conversion from request parameters , but where does the data go and how does OGNL figure out the target ?

  22. 现在也可以用蜂窝网络进行FaceTime通话,所以无论你身处何方,你都可以见到心爱的人。

    And now you can make a FaceTime call over the cellular network . So no matter where you are , you are always able to see the ones you love .

  23. 都柏林&爱尔兰成为世界上首个通过全民投票将同性婚姻合法化的国家,次日清晨,都柏林总主教迪亚姆德·马丁(DiarmuidMartin)思索着罗马天主教的未来在何方。

    DUBLIN &   The morning after Ireland learned it had become the first nation to approve same-sex marriage by popular vote , Diarmuid Martin , the archbishop of Dublin , looked out at the future of the Roman Catholic Church .

  24. 《英语走向何方》的作者大卫葛拉多尔(davidgraddol)表示,人们很容易将这看作是北美、不列颠群岛及澳大拉西亚等地以英语为母语的人士的胜利但这是错误的。

    David Graddol , the author of English next , says it is tempting to view the story of English as a triumph for its native speakers in North America , the British Isles and Australasia but that would be a mistake .

  25. 但这不清楚这项结论来自于何方,一个由欧洲癌症与营养前瞻性调查(Epic)两年前对超过40万人的饮食摄入量的大型研究发现食用水果和蔬菜与降低整体罹患癌症的风险之间只有微弱的联系。

    But it 's not clear where the evidence for this comes from and a large study by the European Prospective Investigation Into Cancer and Nutrition ( Epic ) two years ago of the dietary intake of more than 400000 people found only a weak link between eating fruit and vegetables and a reduction in overall cancer risk .

  26. 第二个问题则是:你来自何方?

    The second question is , Where are you coming from ?

  27. 路在何方&民间美术创新论

    Where is the Road & on the Innovation of Folk Arts

  28. 但无论我漂泊多远去向何方。

    But no matter how far or how wide I roam .

  29. 他们显得好象很清楚自己在走向何方。

    They act as if they know where they 're going .

  30. 寻梦的路到底通向何方?

    Dream in the end of the road leading to where ?