
  • 网络Laohekou Shi;LAOHOK-OU
  1. 现行河口处海岸线淤进边界大于老河口的向陆后退幅度,6m等深线变化幅度不大,整个清水沟河口区湿地面积变化不大。

    The new estuary coastline silt enters the boundary to be bigger than the old estuary to the land backlash scope , the 6m isobaths change scope is not obvious , and the entire estuary area wetland area changes slightly .

  2. 以农兴镇,以镇促农&老河口市、襄阳县小城镇建设与农村经济发展探讨

    Building up the Town by Agricultural Industrialization and Promoting Agriculture by Urbanization

  3. 湖北老河口经济开发区规划面积38平方公里。

    Economic Development Zone , Hubei Laohekou planning area of38 square kilometers .

  4. 老河口市土地利用规划环境影响评价研究

    Study on Environmental Impact Assessment of Land Use Plan of Lao Hekou County

  5. 城市滨水景观设计探索&老河口市沿江二期规划设计

    Exploratory study on landscape design of city coastal region

  6. 研究结果表明:老河口市复合环境朝着良性方向发展;

    The results indicate that the compound environment of Lao Hekou presents an upward trend ;

  7. 老河口市冶金产业主要以有色金属冶炼为主,主导产品为电解铅和稀贵金属。

    Laohekou metallurgy industry mainly take non-ferrous metal smelting primarily , the leading product is electrolytic lead and precious metal .

  8. 北岗位于老河口市以北约22公里的纪洪镇纪洪村境内,是一处汉代中小型墓葬地。

    The Beigang site is a medium-sized graveyard dated to the Eastern Han dynasty and situates at the Jihong village , 22 kilometers north to Laohekou city .

  9. 胜利油区老河口油田的馆上段为典型的河流相油藏,主力含油层系存在曲流河沉积和网状河沉积。

    Upper Guantao formation in Laohekou oilfield of Shengli oil province is a typical reservoir of fluvial facies with major oil-bearing system containing meandering and braided river sedimentation .

  10. 多期发育河道砂体相互叠置形成了老河口油田埋藏浅、数量多、叠加面积大、油藏类型单一的馆上段河道砂岩性油藏;

    Multi-stage developed meandering stream sandstone bodies have formed a lot of lithologic reservoirs in the upper Guantao Formation which are buried shallowly and has large superposition area and simple oil-reservoir type .

  11. 由于河口物源断绝和受到冬季北风或偏北风作用,海底滑坡、冲蚀构造等大型地质灾害现象在老河口废弃三角洲叶瓣北侧大量发育;

    There are a lot of seabed landslides and erosion structures in the north of the abandoned delta lobe , because sediment input of the estuary is in discontinuity and due to the influence of north wind in winter .

  12. 后来,分流可再次改变河道,把它的负荷沉积在原来废弃的较老的河口附近。

    Subsequently , a distributary may again change course to debouch its load near the mouth of its older , abandoned channel .